NEWS ANALYSIS As in-person early voting in the General Election began on Thursday (10/27/2022), Cecil County voters will decide five local Charter amendments, including changes in selection of Ethics Commission members and requiring greater “transparency” on spending and real estate deals by the County Executive. The proposals are designed to address problems that emerged...
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Tags: Al Miller, ballot issue, Bill Coutz, Bob Meffley, cecil county, Cecil Times, census, charter, Constitution, county executive, Danielle Hornbereger, election, Elkton, GOP, Kevin Hornberger, Politics, real estate, Republican Central Committee, Republicans, spending, Vincent sammons, vote
Posted in Alan McCarthy, Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, census, Elections, Elkton, Kilby, politics, Republican Central Committee, Republicans, State's Attorney, Uncategorized | No Comments »
NEWS ANALYSIS Cecil County Executive Danielle Hornberger (R) staged a partisan coup on the official county government website and Facebook page on Wednesday (3/17/2022) to falsely accuse two County Council members of voting to “de-fund” local police– when in fact they were simply seeking to delay a vote until they could get more information...
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Tags: ., Al Miller, Bill Coutz, Bob Meffley, bonds, budget, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Times, county attorney, County Council, county executive, danielle hornberger, Jackie Gregory, James Appel, Lawrence Scott, Republican, Scott adams, Sheriff, social media, spending
Posted in andy harris, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Times, Elections, Elkton, politics, Republicans, Sheriff's Department, Uncategorized, women | No Comments »
NEWS ANALYSIS In the past, Cecil County budget hearings usually sounded like polite beg-a-thons, with primarily schools and libraries advocates pleading for funds. But this year, a budget “town hall” meeting in Elkton was a chorus of anger and direct challenges to County Executive Danielle Hornberger’s policies, lack of spending “transparency” and short-changing of...
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Tags: American Rescue Plan, athletics, Board of Estimates, budget, CARES Act, cecil county, Cecil Times,, Ceciltin, chesapeake city, County Council, county executive, danielle hornberger, Deputies, earleville, Elkton, FOP, Fraternal Order of Police, James Appel, libraries, library, Michael Zack, parks, Rising Sun, schools, Sheriff's Office, spending, taxes, turf fields
Posted in Alan McCarthy, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Times, Cecilton, COVID-19, education, Elkton, governor, politics, real estate, Rising Sun, Sheriff's Department, Uncategorized | No Comments »
Cecil County Council member Jackie Gregory (R-5) has drafted a list of budget cuts for the proposed Fiscal 2021 county budget that will be considered today (5/19/2020), with no advance public notice, that particularly targets county library, parks, and emergency services, including paramedics responding to emergency calls during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Gregory, who...
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Tags: Alan McCarthy, ambulance, budget, budget cuts, calvert regional park, Cecil College, cecil county, Cecil County council, Cecil Times, corrections, councilor, County Council, county executive, COVID 19, Department of Emergency Services, DES, Detention Centger, Don Harmer, iates, Jackie Gregory, jail, lacrosse, nursing home, operating budget, paramedics, parks, recreation, Rising Sun, Rising Sun High School, Sheriff Scott Adams, spending, tax, virus
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NEWS ANALYSIS “I don’t care too much for money/Money can’t buy me love.”–The Beatles The Cecil County Council voted Tuesday evening (6/4/2019) to approve County Executive Alan McCarthy’s proposed Fiscal 2020 budget, but not before some grandstanding and the political equivalent of tapping on a calculator with dead batteries. Sometimes, even if the numbers...
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Tags: Alan McCarthy, Bill Coutz, Bob Meffley, brantwood park, budget, calvert regional park, capital budget, cecil county, Cecil Times, County Council, county executive, education, election, George Patchell, Jackie Gregory, operating budget, parks and recreation, Politics, re-election, real estate, reserve funds, schools, spending, tax, taxes
Posted in Alan McCarthy, Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, education, Elections, Elkton, politics, real estate, Republicans, Uncategorized | No Comments »