NEWS ANALYSIS Cecil County Executive Danielle Hornberger (R) submitted her proposed Fiscal 2023 budget to the County Council on 4/1/2022, providing a penny cut on the property tax rate, the minimum state-required aid level for county schools and Cecil College, and a “Blue Ribbon Commission” to look at law enforcement pay scales—but no extra...
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Tags: ARPA, budget, CCPS, cecil county, Cecil County council, cecil county public schools, Cecil Times, Cecilton, chesapeake city, cola, cops, County Council, county executive, COVID, danielle hornberger, Deputies, Elkton, EMS, federal aid, finance director, jaes appel, libraries, library, maintenance of effort, pay, Rescue Plan, salary, schools, Sheriff, Volunteer fire companies
Posted in Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, chesapeake city, COVID-19, education, Elkton, politics, real estate, Republicans, Sheriff's Department, Uncategorized | 2 Comments »
NEWS ANALYSIS Cecil County Council member Jackie Gregory (R-5) has filed as a candidate in the 2022 Republican primary for state Delegate in District 36, potentially casting aside the Council seat to which she won re-election just 14 months ago and challenging the all-Republican delegation that has worked together as a “team” for the...
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Tags: andy harris, appoint, campaign finance, candidate, Caroline County, cecil county, Cecil County council, Cecil County Republican Central Committee, Congress, County Council, delegate, District 36, election, George Patchell, Heather Mizeur, Jackie Gregory, Jay Jacobs, Jeff Ghrist, Kent County, Politics, Queen Anne's County, senator, slate, Steve Arentz, Steve Hershey, Team 36
Posted in Alan McCarthy, andy harris, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, census, Elections, Michael Smigiel, politics, Republican Central Committee, Republicans, Uncategorized, women | No Comments »
NEWS ANALYSIS Faced with limited options, the Cecil County Council took a path of subtle resistance this week when it picked the least politically challenging candidate to fill a vacant Council seat that will be on the ballot in next year’s elections. The Council also welcomed a redistricting commission report that rejected some highly...
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Tags: Carl Roberts, cecil county, Cecil County council, census, County Council, COVID, danielle hornberger, Donna Culberson, Ed Larson, election, George Patchell, Jackie Gregory, maps, masks, Politics, primary, redistricting commission, rick wilson, schools, vaccine, Vincent sammons
Posted in campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, COVID-19, Democrats, education, Elections, Elkton, Health, politics, Republican Central Committee, Republicans, Uncategorized | No Comments »
NEWS ANALYSIS Cecil County Council member George Patchell (R-4), a two-term elected official from Perryville and a consistently thoughtful and nonpartisan voice on many local issues, is resigning from the panel to take a job as the Perryville town administrator. His departure will set off a potentially politically fraught process, led by the local...
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Tags: 2022, Al Miller, Bill Coutz, Bob Gatchel, Bob Meffley, campaign finance, cecil county, Cecil County council, Cecil Times, councilor, county executive, danielle hornberger, Denise Breder, election, Elections, Elkton, George Patchell, GOP, great wolf, Kevin Hornberger, Matt Roath, Perryville, Politics, Republican, Tari Moore, town administrator, Vincent sammons
Posted in campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, education, Elections, Elkton, politics, Republican Central Committee, Republicans, Uncategorized | No Comments »
NEWS ANALYSIS The Cecil County Council has hired Charles “Chip” MacLeod– a Chestertown lawyer with decades of experience in local government and the founder of the Clean Chesapeake Coalition that has fought for sediment cleanup at the Conowingo Dam– as the new County Council attorney. And in his first appearance at the 7/13/2021 Council...
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Tags: Andrew Goins, Bill Coutz, Bob Meffley, cecil county, Cecil County council, Cecil Times, Charles MacLeod, Chestertown, Chip MacLeod, county attorney, county executive, Dan Schneckenburger, danielle hornberger, election, Ethics Commission, Heather O'Rourke, Lawrence Scott, lawyer, MacLeod Law Group
Posted in Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, Elections, Elkton, politics, Republicans, Uncategorized | No Comments »