NEWS ANALYSIS Cecil County Executive Danielle Hornberger (R) submitted her proposed Fiscal 2023 budget to the County Council on 4/1/2022, providing a penny cut on the property tax rate, the minimum state-required aid level for county schools and Cecil College, and a “Blue Ribbon Commission” to look at law enforcement pay scales—but no extra...
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Tags: ARPA, budget, CCPS, cecil county, Cecil County council, cecil county public schools, Cecil Times, Cecilton, chesapeake city, cola, cops, County Council, county executive, COVID, danielle hornberger, Deputies, Elkton, EMS, federal aid, finance director, jaes appel, libraries, library, maintenance of effort, pay, Rescue Plan, salary, schools, Sheriff, Volunteer fire companies
Posted in Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, chesapeake city, COVID-19, education, Elkton, politics, real estate, Republicans, Sheriff's Department, Uncategorized | 2 Comments »
NEWS ANALYSIS In the past, Cecil County budget hearings usually sounded like polite beg-a-thons, with primarily schools and libraries advocates pleading for funds. But this year, a budget “town hall” meeting in Elkton was a chorus of anger and direct challenges to County Executive Danielle Hornberger’s policies, lack of spending “transparency” and short-changing of...
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Tags: American Rescue Plan, athletics, Board of Estimates, budget, CARES Act, cecil county, Cecil Times,, Ceciltin, chesapeake city, County Council, county executive, danielle hornberger, Deputies, earleville, Elkton, FOP, Fraternal Order of Police, James Appel, libraries, library, Michael Zack, parks, Rising Sun, schools, Sheriff's Office, spending, taxes, turf fields
Posted in Alan McCarthy, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Times, Cecilton, COVID-19, education, Elkton, governor, politics, real estate, Rising Sun, Sheriff's Department, Uncategorized | No Comments »
The deadline for candidates to file for the April primary elections passed at 9 p.m. on Friday (1/24/2020) with no last-minute surprises in Cecil County, as two late entrants filed several days ago in the County Executive’s race. Four Republicans are competing in the GOP primary while a Democrat is unopposed in his party...
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Tags: Alan McCarthy, andy harris, Bill Coutz, Board of Elections, cecil county, Cecil Times, chesapeake city, Chris Cavey, County Council, county executive, danielle hornberger, Democrat, election, Elkton, ewing mcdowell, GOP, Harford County, Jeff Kase, Kevin Hornberger, Larry Hogan, Ocean City, Politics, primary, Republican, vote
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Donald Harmer, a local liquor store owner and longtime leader of the county’s Parks and Recreation board, has filed to run for Cecil County Council in District 5, challenging incumbent Jackie Gregory, a frequent critic of county spending for parks and recreation programs. Both are candidates in the 2020 Republican primary. Harmer, chairman of...
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Tags: 5th District, Bo Manor, Bohemia Manor, budget, C4L, calvert regional park, Campaign for Liberty, CCPS, cecil county, Cecil County council, cell phone tower, chesapeake city, County Council, Dist.5, district 5, Don Harmer, Donald Harmer, education, Elkton, fiscal, Jackie Gregory, North East, parks, Perryville, Planning Commission, recreation, Route 213, schools, sports, turf fields, youth
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A CECIL TIMES Special Report Cecil County Animal Services failed to inspect multiple kennel businesses in 2018 and is only now scheduling inspections, according to the county attorney, after CECIL TIMES reported previously that many inspections were not conducted or licenses issued as required by county law. “The County acknowledges it has been late...
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Tags: Abigail Bingham, animal, animal control, animal neglect, animal shelter, cat, CCAS, cecil county, Cecil County Animal Services, Cecil Times, chesapeake city, county attorney, Crystal Romine, David trolio, District court, dog, Eden Rehab and Rescue, Elkton, fee, Jason Allison, kennel, license, non-profit, revenue, seizure, special report
Posted in cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, chesapeake city, Elkton, politics, real estate, Uncategorized | No Comments »