NEWS ANALYSIS “I don’t care too much for money/Money can’t buy me love.”–The Beatles The Cecil County Council voted Tuesday evening (6/4/2019) to approve County Executive Alan McCarthy’s proposed Fiscal 2020 budget, but not before some grandstanding and the political equivalent of tapping on a calculator with dead batteries. Sometimes, even if the numbers...
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Tags: Alan McCarthy, Bill Coutz, Bob Meffley, brantwood park, budget, calvert regional park, capital budget, cecil county, Cecil Times, County Council, county executive, education, election, George Patchell, Jackie Gregory, operating budget, parks and recreation, Politics, re-election, real estate, reserve funds, schools, spending, tax, taxes
Posted in Alan McCarthy, Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, education, Elections, Elkton, politics, real estate, Republicans, Uncategorized | No Comments »
It’s all over but the shouting on Cecil County’s Fiscal 2018 proposed budget, after the County Council made its last round of budget decisions on Thursday and added back $49,100 in funds the panel had previously cut. The Council is set to formally adopt the budget next week at its 6/6/2017 evening meeting, at...
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Tags: Alan McCarthy, artificial turf, astroturf, Bob Meffley, budget, Business, capital budget, cecil county, cecil county public library, Cecil Times, Chris Moyer, County Council, county executive, Dan Shneckenburger, economic development, Elkton, Fiscal 2018, hotel tax, hotels, income tax, invest, Jacke Gregory, Jackie Gregory, Joyce Bowlsbey, library, Morgan MIller, operating budget, parks, Perryville, schools, small business, spending, tax, taxes, tourism
Posted in Alan McCarthy, Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, education, Elections, Elkton, politics, real estate, Republicans, Uncategorized | No Comments »
The Cecil County Council took a stab at cutting the Fiscal 2018 budget on Tuesday (5/30/2017) and came up far short of a grandiose plan advanced by two members seeking to cut over $6 million from the budget proposed by County Executive Alan McCarthy. Cecil College and Cecil County Public Schools (CCPS) survived multiple...
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Tags: Alan McCarthy, Bob Meffley, budget, capital budget, CCPS, Cecil College, cecil county, cecil county public schools, Cecil Times, County Council, county executive, Dan Schneckenburger, George Patchell, gimmick, hotel, Jackie Gregory, Joyce Bowlsbey, library, operating budget, paving, reserve funds, roads, schools, spending, tax, taxes, Winston Robinson
Posted in Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, Democrats, education, Elections, governor, politics, real estate, Republicans, Uncategorized | No Comments »
NEWS ANALYSIS A proposal to spend $1 million for an artificial turf playing field in Perryville in the county executive’s Fiscal 2018 budget raises questions about costs, safety and policy issues on pushing expenses out of school accounts into county parks liabilities. In other words, is fake grass greener than the real thing? The...
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Tags: Alan McCarthy, artificial turf, astroturf, budget, capital budget, cecil county, Clyde Van Dyke, County Council, county executive, crumb rubber, fields, football, injury, Montgomery County, operating budget, parks, property tax, safety, spend, tax
Posted in Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, chesapeake city, education, Elkton, politics, real estate, Rising Sun, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »
Cecil County Executive Alan McCarthy has proposed his first budget that breaks with years of deficit-financed spending policies in the county but takes the politically risky road of raising property and income taxes to pay for county services. Property taxes would rise by $100 a year for a home valued at $200,000, while local...
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Tags: Alan McCarthy, ambulance, budget, capital budget, CCPS, cecil county, cecil county public schools, Cecil Times, County Council, county executive, deficit spending, education, EMS, hotel tax, income tax, library, North East, operating budget, paramedic, property tax, public safety, reserve funds, Sheriff, spending, Tari Moore, tax, unassigned fund balance
Posted in Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, education, Elections, Elkton, politics, real estate, Republicans, Robert Hodge, Sheriff's Department | 1 Comment »