NEWS ANALYSIS The Cecil County Council, after a year of often being cut out of local government decision-making by the County Executive, is considering a series of amendments to the county Charter that would clarify the Council’s role and spell out procedures for filling vacancies, membership on the Ethics Commission and decisions on major...
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Tags: Al Miller, Bob Meffley, cecil county, Cecil Times, charter, councilor, County Commissioners, County Council, county executive, danielle hornberger, Donna Culberson, Elections, Jackie Gregory, Politics
Posted in Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, education, Elections, Elkton, politics, real estate, Republican Central Committee, Republicans, Uncategorized, women | No Comments »
NEWS ANALYSIS Cecil County Council member George Patchell (R-4), a two-term elected official from Perryville and a consistently thoughtful and nonpartisan voice on many local issues, is resigning from the panel to take a job as the Perryville town administrator. His departure will set off a potentially politically fraught process, led by the local...
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Tags: 2022, Al Miller, Bill Coutz, Bob Gatchel, Bob Meffley, campaign finance, cecil county, Cecil County council, Cecil Times, councilor, county executive, danielle hornberger, Denise Breder, election, Elections, Elkton, George Patchell, GOP, great wolf, Kevin Hornberger, Matt Roath, Perryville, Politics, Republican, Tari Moore, town administrator, Vincent sammons
Posted in campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, education, Elections, Elkton, politics, Republican Central Committee, Republicans, Uncategorized | No Comments »
Cecil County Council member Jackie Gregory (R-5) violated county ethics rules with “an appearance of a conflict of interest” by holding a job as a substitute teacher for county schools at the same time as she served on the County Council and voted on school budgets and appropriations, according to a report by the...
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Tags: Alan McCarthy, budget, CCPS, cecil county, cecil county public schools, Cecil Times, Circuit Court, conflict of interest, councilor, County Council, county executive, election, Elkton, ethics, Ethics Commission, GOP, hearing, Jackie Gregory, Politics, primary, Republican, substitute teacher
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Cecil County Council member Jackie Gregory (R-5) has drafted a list of budget cuts for the proposed Fiscal 2021 county budget that will be considered today (5/19/2020), with no advance public notice, that particularly targets county library, parks, and emergency services, including paramedics responding to emergency calls during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Gregory, who...
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Tags: Alan McCarthy, ambulance, budget, budget cuts, calvert regional park, Cecil College, cecil county, Cecil County council, Cecil Times, corrections, councilor, County Council, county executive, COVID 19, Department of Emergency Services, DES, Detention Centger, Don Harmer, iates, Jackie Gregory, jail, lacrosse, nursing home, operating budget, paramedics, parks, recreation, Rising Sun, Rising Sun High School, Sheriff Scott Adams, spending, tax, virus
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NEWS ANALYSIS In less than an hour on Tuesday (5/28/2019), the County Council reviewed the complex Fiscal 2020 budget proposed by the County Executive, with few questions, no spending cut proposals and just one advocate of raiding “fund balance” reserve accounts to lower the property tax rate by slightly over a penny—a move that...
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Tags: Al Miller, Alan McCarthy, ambulance, Bill Coutz, Bob Meffley, budget, cecil county, Cecil County council, councilor, countuy government, county executive, director of finance, Elkton, fire engine, Fiscal 2020, fund balance, George Patchell, income taxes, Jackie Gregory, Lisa Saxton, money, property tax, property taxes, reserve funds, spending, taxes, Volunteer fire companies, vote, worksession
Posted in Alan McCarthy, Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, Cecilton, education, Elkton, politics, Republicans, Uncategorized | No Comments »