A CECIL TIMES SPECIAL REPORT NEWS ANALYSIS Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan has a plan to re-open the state’s economy in a safe, staged fashion while coping with the COVID-19 pandemic but the numbers—rising infections, deaths and miniscule testing rates in the state—are getting in the way. And while most of the state’s virus testing,...
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Tags: Atlantic General hospital, berlin, Business, Calvert County, cecil county, Charles Gischlar, ChristianaCare, conowingo, coronavirus, COVID 19, deaths, Eastern Shore, Elkton, health department, hospital, Larry Hogan, maryland, Perryville, Route 40, social distancing.economy, testing, Union Hospital, VEIP, virus, west cecil health center
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NEWS ANALYSIS Maryland marked a milestone in the spread of the COVID-19 virus on Wednesday (4/15/2020) with 10,032 confirmed cases in the state, and Cecil County’s count reached 102 cases. But Gov. Larry Hogan, while ordering all shoppers and store workers to wear facemasks and predicting that the state is still weeks away from...
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Tags: Business, cecil county, cecil county health department, Cecil Times, COVID 19, death, facemasks, governor, governor hogan, Health, hospital, Larry Hogan, maryland, masks, National Governors Association, NGA, testing, Trump, virus
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NEWS ANALYSIS Cecil County Executive Alan McCarthy admits putting together the Fiscal 2021 county budget was a bit like being in a hurricane bunker while hoping that the COVID-19 pandemic that has wreaked havoc with the state and local economy won’t overwhelm the fiscal safety measures he installed over the past three years that...
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Tags: Alan McCarthy, ambulance, budget, Business, CCPS, cecil county, Cecil County Executive, cecil county public schools, Cecil Times, County Council, county executive, COVID 19, election, Elkton, emergency services, Fiscal 2021, governor, income tax, Larry Hogan, libraries, library, pandemic, paramedics, Politics, property tax, property value, raimy day fund, reserve funds, revenues, schools, seniors, Sheriff, State Department of Assessments and Taxation, unassigned fund balance, virus, Volunteer fire companies
Posted in Alan McCarthy, Business, campaign finance, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, education, Elections, Elkton, governor, politics, real estate, Republicans, Rising Sun, seniors, Uncategorized | No Comments »
Cecil County now has 3 confirmed cases of the COVID-19 coronavirus, prompting County Executive Alan McCarthy to issue a “declaration of emergency” on Monday to accelerate county access to state emergency services and supplies programs. In addition, Gov. Larry Hogan ordered closure of all “non-essential businesses” while announcing several new programs to aid small...
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Tags: aid, Alan McCarthy, Business, cecil county, ChristianaCare, coronavirus, COVID 19, Delaware, detention center, emergency, emergency service, gloves, hair, Health, health department, health officer, inmates, intensive care, Larry Hogan, Lauren Levy, liquor, masks, nail, Richard Brooks, salons, Scott adams, Sheriff, small business, Union Hospital, ventilator, virus, Volunteer fire companies
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NEWS ANALYSIS Which retirement account investment option would you prefer: 100% of $100,000 or 70% of $1 million? Seems like a no-brainer: $100,000 or $700,000 in your later-years pocket. But it took a while for the fiscal lightbulbs to be turned on at a Cecil County Council worksession on Tuesday (10/15/2019), after Councilor George...
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Tags: Bill Coutz, Bob Meffley, Business, cecil county, Cecil County council, Cecil Times, Chris Moyer, County Council, development, economic development, Elkton, enterprise zones, George Patchell, Jackie Gregory, legislation, North East, prinipio, property tax, real estate, Stewart, taxes, William Coutz
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