NEWS ANALYSIS “And it’s one, two, three strikes you’re out, at the Old Ball Game.” The Cecil County Council stepped up to the legislative plate against the Hornberger administration this week but struck out, after some verbal swings at bat, on three major issues: the secret installation of a member of the Ethics Commission...
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Tags: Al Miller, attorney, Bill Coutz, Bob Meffley, bonds, budget, CCPS, cecil county, Cecil Times, county administrator, County Council, county executive, Dan Schneckenburger, danielle hornberger, director of administration, Ethics Commission, fund balance, Heather O'Rourke, howard county, John Downs, legal, maintenance of effort, reserve funds, schools, secrecy, secrets, taxes, transparency, Wicomico county
Posted in Alan McCarthy, Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, education, Elections, Elkton, governor, politics, Republicans, Uncategorized, women | No Comments »
NEWS ANALYSIS In less than an hour on Tuesday (5/28/2019), the County Council reviewed the complex Fiscal 2020 budget proposed by the County Executive, with few questions, no spending cut proposals and just one advocate of raiding “fund balance” reserve accounts to lower the property tax rate by slightly over a penny—a move that...
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Tags: Al Miller, Alan McCarthy, ambulance, Bill Coutz, Bob Meffley, budget, cecil county, Cecil County council, councilor, countuy government, county executive, director of finance, Elkton, fire engine, Fiscal 2020, fund balance, George Patchell, income taxes, Jackie Gregory, Lisa Saxton, money, property tax, property taxes, reserve funds, spending, taxes, Volunteer fire companies, vote, worksession
Posted in Alan McCarthy, Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, Cecilton, education, Elkton, politics, Republicans, Uncategorized | No Comments »
The Cecil County Council heard a strong pitch from an outside expert on the county’s bond rating on Tuesday (8/21/2018) to demonstrate fiscal responsibility on the county’s sewage funds, which have been running a deficit for years. In response, Council members indicated support for a compromise to give the county executive his request for...
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Tags: Alan McCarthy, Bob Meffley, bond rating, bonds, budget, cecil county, councilor, County Council, county executive, deficit, fees, fund balance, Moody's, sewage, sewer, sewer fees
Posted in Alan McCarthy, Business, cecil county, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, Elections, Elkton, politics, Uncategorized | No Comments »
NEWS ANALYSIS The three water-filled jugs placed in front of the witness table at the Cecil County Council worksession on Tuesday (7/17/2018) were a graphic show-and-tell representation of what has been described in the past as a “holy crap moment” in the long and politically torturous saga of providing and paying for adequate sewage...
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Tags: bond rating, budget, cecil county, Cecil Times, County Council, crap, deficit, election, enterprise fund, fund balance, greg Meffley, Joyce Bowlsbey, Lisa Saxton, Politics, reserve funds, Scott Flanigan, Seneca Point, sewage, sewer, wastewater
Posted in Alan McCarthy, Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, Elections, Elkton, Health, politics, real estate, Republicans, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »
The Cecil County Council unanimously resisted demands from the county schools for a last-minute nearly $1 million boost in its budget on Tuesday morning (6/5/2018), setting the stage for the intact adoption Tuesday night of the Fiscal 2019 budget proposed by County Executive Alan McCarthy. In a letter from Dr. D’Ette Devine, the Cecil...
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Tags: Al Wein, Alan McCarthy, budget, CCPS, cecil county, Cecil Times, County Council, county executive, D'ette Devine, field house, fund balance, government, Jason Allison, Perryville, property tax rate, reserve funds, schools, spending, tax, Tom Kappra
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