The Cecil County Council heard a strong pitch from an outside expert on the county’s bond rating on Tuesday (8/21/2018) to demonstrate fiscal responsibility on the county’s sewage funds, which have been running a deficit for years. In response, Council members indicated support for a compromise to give the county executive his request for...
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Tags: Alan McCarthy, Bob Meffley, bond rating, bonds, budget, cecil county, councilor, County Council, county executive, deficit, fees, fund balance, Moody's, sewage, sewer, sewer fees
Posted in Alan McCarthy, Business, cecil county, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, Elections, Elkton, politics, Uncategorized | No Comments »
Cecil County Executive Alan McCarthy unveiled his new Fiscal 2019 budget plan on Friday (3/30/2018), freezing property and income tax rates at current levels, boosting school spending slightly, and calling for a major increase in sewage treatment fees in order to balance the wastewater fund. The budget now goes to the County Council, which...
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Tags: Alan McCarthy, artificial turf, Bohemia Manor, budget, CCPS, Cecil College, cecil county, cecil county public schools, County Commissioners, County Council, county executive, enterprise fund, fees, fiscal 2019, fund balance, library, North East, Seneca Point, sewage, Sheriff's Office, spending, Tari Moore, taxes, wastewater
Posted in Alan McCarthy, Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Times, Cecilton, county commissioner, education, Elkton, politics, real estate, Sheriff's Department, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »
Cecil County Executive Tari Moore proposed a new Fiscal 2015 budget that would freeze property tax rates, add one new Sheriff’s deputy to the force and boost public schools spending by 3.5 percent, including a rising share of teacher pension costs dumped on the county by the state. For the second consecutive year, Moore...
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Tags: budget, calvert park, CCPS, Cecil College, cecil county, County Council, county executive, county public schools, dump, enterprise funds, fees, freeze, fund balance, income taxes, landfill, libraries, library, pay raise, property tax, reserve funds, sewage, sewer, Tari Moore, taxes
Posted in cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, education, Elkton, Health, real estate, Sheriff's Department, State's Attorney, Uncategorized | 8 Comments »
Elsewhere it might be close to the summer solstice, but in Elkton, it was the Cecil County Council’s sewer solstice– as members danced around the fiscal and political bonfires of boosting sewer fees to reflect actual costs of services and future economic development implications of decisions made now. If you thought such decisions had...
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Tags: Alan McCarthy, cecil county, Cecil Times, commissioners, County Council, county executive, deja vu, Department of Public Works, Diana Broomell, DPW, fees, Joyce Bowlsbey, Robert Hodge, Scott Flanigan, Seneca Point, sewage, sewer, shakespeare, tarim moore, user fees
Posted in Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, Elections, politics, real estate, Robert Hodge, Uncategorized | 6 Comments »
An anti-growth community group has cost Cecil County government and local residents up to $1 million, and counting, in the past two years with a dragged-out lawsuit challenging the county’s sale of several water and wastewater plants to the private Artesian water company. And now the county is faced with a choice on how...
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Tags: ARCA, Artesian, budget, cecil county, Cecil Times, ceciltimes,, commissioner, county commissioner, court, Craig Whiteford, fees, lawsuit, lawyers, maryland, news, Politics, public works, Scott Flanigan, sewer, wastewater, water
Posted in Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, Elections, politics, real estate, Republicans, Robert Hodge, Uncategorized | 2 Comments »