A CECIL TIMES Special Report NEWS ANALYSIS It almost seems like ancient history in the long battle over opioid drug abuse in Cecil County to see newly disclosed federal statistics on the flood of painkiller pills from 2006-2012, when more than 36 million pills were dispensed in the county—or enough to supply 51 pills...
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Tags: Board of physicians, cecil county, Cecil Times, City Pharmacy, court, database, DEA, doctors, Drug Enforcement Administration, drugs, Elkton, Elkton Friendly Pharmacy, Happy Harry, Jason Allison, lawsuit, license, Mary Caldwell, maryland, North East, Northside Pharmacy, opioids, Oxycodone, OxyContin, pharmacy, pills, prescription, Sun Pharmacy, Washington Post
Posted in Alan McCarthy, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, Elkton, Health, politics, Uncategorized | No Comments »
A CECIL TIMES Special Report Cecil County Animal Services failed to inspect multiple kennel businesses in 2018 and is only now scheduling inspections, according to the county attorney, after CECIL TIMES reported previously that many inspections were not conducted or licenses issued as required by county law. “The County acknowledges it has been late...
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Tags: Abigail Bingham, animal, animal control, animal neglect, animal shelter, cat, CCAS, cecil county, Cecil County Animal Services, Cecil Times, chesapeake city, county attorney, Crystal Romine, David trolio, District court, dog, Eden Rehab and Rescue, Elkton, fee, Jason Allison, kennel, license, non-profit, revenue, seizure, special report
Posted in cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, chesapeake city, Elkton, politics, real estate, Uncategorized | No Comments »
NEWS ANALYSIS Cecil County’s animal control oversight panel that monitors a private contractor, handling stray animals at taxpayer expense, has lost two members who resigned recently after what some say was “bullying” by the contractor, A Buddy for Life, Inc. And after a meeting last week, Girl Scouts who had questioned the shelter operations...
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Tags: A BUddy for Life, ACCOC, African-American, Animal Care and Control Oversight Commission, animal control, Anke masters, bias, black, Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners, buddies, budget, cats, cecil county, Cecil Times, contract, controlled dangerous substances, county attorney, county executive, discipline, dogs, drugs, Elkton, Facebook, Girl Scouts, Jason Allison, Jenn Callahan, license, Lyn Yelton, Mindy Carletti, racial, Ricky Lewis, slur, Tari Moore
Posted in cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Times, Elkton, Health, Sheriff's Department, Uncategorized, women | 17 Comments »
A CECIL TIMES SPECIAL REPORT The state Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners has fined A Buddy for Life, which handles animal control for Cecil County under a more than $2.25 million contract, for operating its rented animal shelter in Elkton without a required state license for a year. The state panel also imposed fines...
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Tags: A BUddy for Life, ACCOC, Aimal Care and Control Oversight Commission, animal, animal control, bite, Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners, buddies, contract, Controlled Dangerous Substance, Crystal Litteral, DEA, dog, Drug Enforcement Administration, drugs, Elkton, fine, health department, license, Lyn Yelton, Mindy Carletti, Tari Moore, vet board, veterinary
Posted in cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, Elections, Elkton, Health, politics, real estate, Uncategorized, women | 15 Comments »
The state Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners is slated to consider this week possible action against A Buddy for Life, which operates animal control under contract with the Cecil County government, for failing to obtain a required state license for nearly a year, state officials said. In addition, the Buddy group has continued to...
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Tags: ACCOC, Animal Care and Control Oversight Commission, animal control, Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners, buddies, buddy, Buddy for Life, cecil county, Cecil Times, contract, dog, Kasie Bolton, Laura Downes, license, Mindy Carletti, oversight, state, Tari Moore, vet board, vicious dog
Posted in cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, Elections, Elkton, Health, politics, Robert Hodge, Uncategorized | 5 Comments »