Donald Harmer, a local liquor store owner and longtime leader of the county’s Parks and Recreation board, has filed to run for Cecil County Council in District 5, challenging incumbent Jackie Gregory, a frequent critic of county spending for parks and recreation programs. Both are candidates in the 2020 Republican primary. Harmer, chairman of...
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Tags: 5th District, Bo Manor, Bohemia Manor, budget, C4L, calvert regional park, Campaign for Liberty, CCPS, cecil county, Cecil County council, cell phone tower, chesapeake city, County Council, Dist.5, district 5, Don Harmer, Donald Harmer, education, Elkton, fiscal, Jackie Gregory, North East, parks, Perryville, Planning Commission, recreation, Route 213, schools, sports, turf fields, youth
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Al Miller, a Republican candidate for the Cecil County Council in District 3, is the apparent top fundraiser in this year’s races for three Council seats, raising more than $24,000 so far in his bid to unseat an incumbent in the June 26 GOP primary. In three races with candidates aligned with the local...
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Tags: Al Miller, Bill Coutz, Board of Elections, C4L, campaign, campaign finance report, Campaign for Liberty, cecil county, County Council, Dan Schneckenburger, Democrat, Ed Larsen, election, finance, fines, George Patchell, Joe Tropp, primary, Republican, Richard Lewandowski, robert willick, Thomas Wilson
Posted in cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Times, Democrats, Elections, Elkton, politics, Republicans, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »
Republican candidates for the Cecil County Council faced off this week in a polite question-and-answer session sponsored by the county’s Chamber of Commerce, with three challengers aligned with the Campaign for Liberty ultra-conservative group taking more mainstream positions than their social media presence. The event, held at Cecil College on 5/14/2018, also included a...
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Tags: Al Miller, animal control, Bill Coutz, C4L, Campaign for Liberty, Carl Roberts, Cecil College, cecil county, Cecil County SPCA, Cecil Times, chamber of commerce, County Council, Dan Schneckenburger, Ed Larsen, election, George Patchell, GOP, Joyce Bowlsbeyh, Politics, primary, Republican, Richard Lewandowski, Thomas Wilson
Posted in Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, chesapeake city, education, Elections, Elkton, politics, real estate, Republicans, Rising Sun, Sheriff's Department, Uncategorized | No Comments »
NEWS ANALYSIS From nose-biting at a polling place to creating a political club with virtually the same name as a longstanding and well-known Republican group so as to confuse voters, never let it be said that Cecil County politics is clean and above-board. Now we can add to the dirtpile the cyberspace hijacking of...
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Tags: Board of Elections, C4L, campaign finance, Campaign for Liberty, cecil county, Cecil Times, christian, County Council, cybersecurity, cyberspace, domain name, donations, Ed Larsen, George Patchell,, internet, Politics, robert willick, state, Vincent sammons, website, whois
Posted in Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, Elections, Michael Smigiel, politics, Republican Central Committee, Republicans, Richard Sossi, Uncategorized | 2 Comments »
Cecil County Executive Alan McCarthy pleaded guilty Thursday (3/8/2018) to one count of driving while impaired by alcohol and received probation before judgment. If he successfully completes the one-year period of unsupervised probation, his record can be expunged. A trial in Cecil County Circuit Court was initially expected to be postponed due to schedule...
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Tags: adair, addair, alam mccarthy, alcohol, campaign, Campaign for Liberty, cecil county, Cecil Times, county executive, court, driving while impaired, drunk driving, judge, Politics, probatiom before judgment, probation, State Police, Tina Sharp
Posted in Alan McCarthy, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Times, Elections, Elkton, Politics, State's Attorney, Uncategorized | No Comments »