Cecil County government has published a “request for proposals” (RFP) seeking animal control services under an 18-month contract, beginning 1/1/16, including provisions to allow the county government to buy a shelter building and assume its operating and maintenance costs. And a Delaware animal shelter that has been embroiled in fights with state and local...
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Tags: A BUddy for Life, ACCOC, adoption, advisory board, Animal Care and Control Oversight Commission, animal control, animal control contract, buddies, buddy, camden, cat, cecil county, County Council, county executive, DE, Delaware, dexter thompson, dog, Elkton, First State Animal Center, Jason Allison, Kevin Usilton, mandates, Mary thompson, Newark, Politics, Rainwood kennel, regulation, request for proposal, RFP, state, Tari Moore
Posted in Business, cecil county, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, Elections, Elkton, politics, real estate, Republicans, Robert Hodge, Uncategorized | 8 Comments »
Cecil County Executive Tari Moore on Friday submitted to the County Council proposed changes to the county’s animal law that would convert an independent citizen ‘oversight’ panel into an ‘advisory’ board dominated by county government officials to supervise the county’s private animal control contractor. The revisions also remove language allowing the panel to consult...
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Tags: A BUddy for Life, ACCOC, advisory, Al Wein, Animal Care and Control Oversight Commission, animal ordinance, animals, buddies, buddy, cecil county, contractor, county attorney, county executive, dog, finance, Health, Inc., inspection, Jason Allison, Sheriff, Tari Moore, veterinarian, Winston Robinson
Posted in cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, Elections, Elkton, Health, politics, real estate, Sheriff's Department, Uncategorized, women | 3 Comments »
NEWS ANALYSIS The Cecil County Council, confronted by anguished parents and supporters of Girl Scouts who say they suffered racial slurs after they spoke up at a meeting of the county’s animal control oversight panel, is now pressing the County Executive for action to resolve long-standing issues surrounding the county’s animal control contractor, A...
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Tags: A BUddy for Life, ACCOC, Alan McCarthy, Animal Care and Control Oversight Commission, animal control, buddies, budget, cecil county, Cecil Guardian, Cecil Times, county executive, Dan Schneckenburger, discrimination, dog, Girl Scout, Jenn Callahan, Joyce Bowlsbey, michael mitchell, Mindy Carletti, parent, racial bias, Robert Hodge, slur, Tari Moore
Posted in Business, cecil county, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, Elkton, politics, Uncategorized, women | 4 Comments »
NEWS ANALYSIS Cecil County’s animal control oversight panel that monitors a private contractor, handling stray animals at taxpayer expense, has lost two members who resigned recently after what some say was “bullying” by the contractor, A Buddy for Life, Inc. And after a meeting last week, Girl Scouts who had questioned the shelter operations...
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Tags: A BUddy for Life, ACCOC, African-American, Animal Care and Control Oversight Commission, animal control, Anke masters, bias, black, Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners, buddies, budget, cats, cecil county, Cecil Times, contract, controlled dangerous substances, county attorney, county executive, discipline, dogs, drugs, Elkton, Facebook, Girl Scouts, Jason Allison, Jenn Callahan, license, Lyn Yelton, Mindy Carletti, racial, Ricky Lewis, slur, Tari Moore
Posted in cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Times, Elkton, Health, Sheriff's Department, Uncategorized, women | 17 Comments »
A CECIL TIMES SPECIAL REPORT Cecil County Councilor Alan McCarthy (R-1), who is a licensed veterinarian, made a surprise visit to the Buddy for Life animal shelter in Elkton late last week and found unremoved feces, odors and many dogs with serious “mange” and other skin conditions. “It was a mess,” he said of...
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Tags: ACCOC, Alan McCarthy, animal, Animal Care and Control Oversight Commission, animal control, Board of Vedterinary Medicvcal Examiners, buddies, Buddy for Life, cat, cecil county, councilor, County Council, county executive, dog, feces, fine, Jason Allison, Lyn Yelton, oversight panel, Ricky Lewis, sanction, shelter, Tari Moore, vet board, veterinarian
Posted in cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, Cecil Whig, Uncategorized | 20 Comments »