Cecil County officials acknowledged Monday that they received a late bid, after the 1:30 PM Thursday 10/1/15 deadline for submission of bids on a new Animal Control contract, from a Chestertown pest removal company but decided to allow the late submission to be accepted and reviewed for the 18-month contract. Three other bidders complied...
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Tags: Al Wein, animal control, bid, bridge, buddies, Buddy for Life, cecil county, Cecil Times, Chestertown, dexter thompson, First State Animal Center, Jason Allison, kennel, Mary thompson, purchasing, Rainwood kennel, sassafras river, Tari Moore, trapper, wildlife damage, Winston Robinson
Posted in Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, Elkton, Health, politics, real estate, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »
Cecil County government has published a “request for proposals” (RFP) seeking animal control services under an 18-month contract, beginning 1/1/16, including provisions to allow the county government to buy a shelter building and assume its operating and maintenance costs. And a Delaware animal shelter that has been embroiled in fights with state and local...
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Tags: A BUddy for Life, ACCOC, adoption, advisory board, Animal Care and Control Oversight Commission, animal control, animal control contract, buddies, buddy, camden, cat, cecil county, County Council, county executive, DE, Delaware, dexter thompson, dog, Elkton, First State Animal Center, Jason Allison, Kevin Usilton, mandates, Mary thompson, Newark, Politics, Rainwood kennel, regulation, request for proposal, RFP, state, Tari Moore
Posted in Business, cecil county, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, Elections, Elkton, politics, real estate, Republicans, Robert Hodge, Uncategorized | 8 Comments »
The Cecil County Council voted 4-1 Tuesday 2/19/13 to approve five nominees to an Animal Control oversight panel, despite one member having been cited for violations of animal laws. And a Delaware rescue group that is being paid over $2.2 million by the county to handle animal control is abandoning its animal-less shelter on...
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Tags: Alan McCarthy, animal, animal control, appleton road, Buddy for Life, Cat crusaders, CCSPCA, cecil county, dexter thompson, Diana Broomell, dog, Dr. McCarthy, Gerald Hawkins, Jerry hawkins, judge, kennel, Mary thompson, oversight, rainwood, Ricky Lewis, spca, Tari Moore
Posted in cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, Elections, Elkton, politics, real estate, Republicans, Robert Hodge, Uncategorized | 10 Comments »
The Cecil County Commissioners agreed Tuesday to accept a review panel’s recommendation to declare A Buddy for Life, a Delaware volunteer group, as qualified to provide animal control services to the county government and proceed with final contract negotiations. But the Cecil County SPCA filed a lawsuit seeking to block award of a contract...
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Tags: Al Wein, animal control, attorney, Buddy for Life, CCSPCA, cecil county, Cecil County SPCA, Cecil Times, contract, county attorney, injunction, lawsuit, Mary thompson, Michael Halter, Normal Wilson, Rainwood kennel, restraining order, Robert Hodge, spca
Posted in Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, chesapeake city, county commissioner, politics, real estate, Robert Hodge, Uncategorized | 17 Comments »