CECIL CHATTER: TODDLER TERRORISTS INVADING CECIL COUNTY IN COUNCIL RACE? Another local campaign by Dan Schneckenburger, another pitch against “illegal immigrants”—despite Census data showing minimal foreign-born population, including legal residents and citizens, in Cecil County—in his campaign flyers orchestrated by a Harford County political consultant. In his latest campaign for re-election to his District...
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Tags: Al Miller, Board of Elections, border, campaign, campaign finance, Caroline County, cecil county, Cecil Times, ck bowers, consultant, County Council, dan schneckenbujrger, Democrat, Dist.36, District 36, election, Erik Robey, flyer, GOP, Harford County, immigrant, Jay Jacobs, Jeff Ghrist, Kent County, Politics, primary, Queene Anne's County, Republican, slate, Steve Arentz, Steve Hershey, Texas, toddler, Trump, wick dudley
Posted in Alan McCarthy, Business, campaign finance, Cecil Chatter, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, Democrats, Elections, Michael Smigiel, politics, Republicans, Sheriff's Department, Uncategorized | No Comments »
NEWS ANALYSIS It took a last minute impassioned appeal on Tuesday by Cecil County Executive Alan McCarthy to defend his budget and his track record on improving the county’s economy, and an independent consultant’s endorsement of McCarthy’s budget, to deflate a belated effort by one Council member to trim a few budget items. As...
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Tags: Alan McCarthy, budget, Carl Roberts, cecil county, Cecil County council, Cecil Times, charter, consultant, County Council, county executive, Dan Schneckenburger, fisal, fund balance, greg Meffley, Jackie Gregory, Joyce Bowlsbey, spending, tax, Weyrich
Posted in Alan McCarthy, Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, Elections, Elkton, politics, real estate, Republicans, Sheriff's Department, Uncategorized | No Comments »