NEWS ANALYSIS Gov. Larry Hogan and Exelon announced on Monday (10/29/2019) a settlement of a longstanding feud over federal licensing for continued operations of the Conowingo Dam in Cecil County, with $200 million invested over 50 years in the Susquehanna River and Upper Bay areas for water quality improvements. But the deal, which will...
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Tags: Alan McCarthy, Cecil Times, Chesapeake Bay, Chip MacLeod, Clean Chesaeake Coalition, conowingo dam, county executive, dredge, dredge spoil, dredging, earleville, eels, Exelon, fish, governor, Larry Hogan, lower susquehanna riverkeepers association, mussels, pearce creek, pollution, riverkeeper, Susquehanna river, ted eugeniadis, Upper Bay
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NEWS ANALYSIS Jesse Colvin, a former US Army Ranger and the Democratic challenger in the Dist. 1 race for the US House, was polite and respectful, even as he delivered political body blows to his Republican opponent, incumbent Rep. Andy Harris during a candidates’ forum on a CECIL.TV delayed broadcast on the Internet. For...
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Tags: ACA, Affordable Care act, andy harris, campaign contributions, campaign finance, cecil county, Cecil Times,, Congress, conowingo dam, Democrat, District 1, doug donley, election, Exelon, First District, Health, healthcare, House, internet, jesse colvin, PAC, Political Action Committee, Politics, Republican, Steny Hoyer
Posted in andy harris, Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Times, Democrats, Elections, Elkton, Health, politics, Republicans, Uncategorized | 2 Comments »
Maryland Governor Larry Hogan is convening a top-level task force to seek solutions to pollution of the Chesapeake Bay caused by sediment build-up behind the Conowingo Dam in Cecil County, including possible costly dredging. The governor’s action underscored the clout that the state has through its environmental review powers that could delay or block...
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Tags: Ben Grumbles, cecil county, Cecilton, Chesapeake Bay, Clean Chesapeake Coalition, conowingo dam, dredge, earleville, Exelon, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, FERC, governor, governor hogan, Larry Hogan, Maryland Department of the Environment, MDE, mushroom farm, pearce creek, Politics, Port Deposit, sediment, Susquehanna river, US Army corps of engineers, warwick, water quality permit
Posted in cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, Elections, governor, Health, Martin O'Malley, politics, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »
Ah, it was all sweetness and light, cheerful cooperation and goodwill at the Cecil County Council’s worksession on Tuesday—gotcha, on April Fool’s Day. After yet another battle royale over approval of the Council’s past meeting minutes, the panel got down to some interesting information on how the county might use provisions of federal law...
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Tags: april fool, cecil county, Cecil County council, Chesapeake Bay, chesapeake city, Chip MacLeod, Clean Chesapeake Coalition, conowingo dam, County Council, Diana Broomell, Elkton, environment, FERC, Maryland Department of the Environment, MDE, pollution, Robert Hodge, Susquehanna
Posted in Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, Elkton, governor, politics, real estate, Robert Hodge, Uncategorized | 4 Comments »
State Sen. Nancy Jacobs (R-Harford/Cecil) peered out the window of a mini-bus crossing the Conowingo Dam Thursday and exclaimed, “where’s all the usual debris—they must have scooped it up…did they know we were coming?” But the real problem with the dam is invisible and far below the surface of the Susquehanna River: tons of...
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Tags: Army corps of enginees, Bay, bay cabinet, cecil county, Chesapeake Bay, Chip MacLeod, Clean Chesapeake Coalition, conowingo dam, Corps of enginees, dump, earleville, Exelon, FERC, Maryland Department of the Environment, MDE, pearce creek, pollution, robert summers, sediment, water, WIP
Posted in andy harris, Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, Elkton, governor, politics, real estate, Richard Sossi, Robert Hodge, Uncategorized | 2 Comments »