A CECIL TIMES Special Report A recent political “robocall,” purporting to be a poll of voter sentiment in the 2020 Cecil County Executive race, pushed negative messages about the incumbent in an apparent effort to influence listeners’ votes and potentially float trial balloons for further negative messages. But the call could run afoul of...
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Tags: Alan McCarthy, Bill Coutz, Board of Elections, campaign contributions, campaign finance, cecil county, Cecil County Executive, Cecil Times, county executive, Dan Schneckenburger, election, Elkton, Goucher College, Goucher Poll, Jared DeMarinis, law, Mileah Kromer, Politics, polls, push poll, robocall, Sarah T. Hughes Field Politics Center
Posted in Alan McCarthy, andy harris, Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, Elections, Elkton, politics, Politics, real estate, Republicans, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »
NEWS ANALYSIS Jesse Colvin, a former US Army Ranger and the Democratic challenger in the Dist. 1 race for the US House, was polite and respectful, even as he delivered political body blows to his Republican opponent, incumbent Rep. Andy Harris during a candidates’ forum on a CECIL.TV delayed broadcast on the Internet. For...
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Tags: ACA, Affordable Care act, andy harris, campaign contributions, campaign finance, cecil county, Cecil Times, Cecil.tv, Congress, conowingo dam, Democrat, District 1, doug donley, election, Exelon, First District, Health, healthcare, House, internet, jesse colvin, PAC, Political Action Committee, Politics, Republican, Steny Hoyer
Posted in andy harris, Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Times, Democrats, Elections, Elkton, Health, politics, Republicans, Uncategorized | 2 Comments »
By Lou Peck Contributing Editor, Cecil Times/ National Journal In the hotly contested rematch in Maryland’s 1st Congressional District between Democratic Rep. Frank Kratovil and GOP state Sen. Andy Harris, the barrage of TV attack ads continued as voters went to the polls Tuesday-– with spending by outside groups seeking to influence the race...
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Tags: andy harris, campaign contributions, campaign finance, candidate, candidates, Democrat, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Eastern Shore, election, Elections, Frank Kratovil, House, maryland, National Republican Congressional Committee, news, PAC, Political Action Committee, Politics, Republican
Posted in andy harris, campaign finance, Democrats, Elections, Frank Kratovil, politics, Republicans, Tea Party | No Comments »
By Lou Peck Contributing Editor, Cecil Times/CongressDaily As the hotly contested rematch between Democratic Rep. Frank Kratovil and Republican challenger Andy Harris enters the homestretch, total spending by candidates and outside groups has passed the $7.5 million mark and is still climbing– guaranteeing it will be among the most expensive congressional contests in Maryland...
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Tags: andy harris, Brian Lockhart, Business, campaign, campaign contributions, campaign finance, cecil county, commissioner, Congress, county commissioner, Democrat, election, Elections, Federal Election Commision, Frank Kratovil, House, maryland, news, political ads, political advertising, Politics, Republican, Sunlight Foundation
Posted in andy harris, Brian Lockhart, Business, campaign finance, cecil county, county commissioner, Democrats, Elections, Frank Kratovil, politics, Republicans | No Comments »
The Monday, 10/11/10 televised debate between incumbent Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) and former Gov. Bob Ehrlich (R) was notable in its near exclusion of anything specific and relevant to the Eastern Shore of Maryland. But then, we are all too familiar with our Annapolis politicians ignoring the Shore, especially our neck of the woods...
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Tags: Business, campaign contributions, campaign finance, candidate, candidates, cecil county, Channel 13, debate, Democrat, donations, Eastern Shore, election, Elections, forum, governor, Martin O'Malley, maryland, news, PAC, Political Action Committee, Politics, Republican, Robert Ehrlich, Slots, Upper Shore, WJZ
Posted in campaign finance, cecil county, Democrats, education, Elections, governor, politics, Slots | 1 Comment »