A CECIL TIMES SPECIAL REPORT NEWS ANALYSIS/ COMMENTARY Cecil County Councilor Dan Schneckenburger, a candidate for County Executive in the upcoming Republican primary, is proposing to kill county contracts or grants with businesses or non-profits employing or aiding “undocumented workers,” tapping into a politically popular national anti-immigrant theme in the Donald Trump campaign for...
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Tags: aliens, Anne Saarundel county executive, cecil county, cenus, convicted, county executive, Dan Schneckenburger, Erik Robey, immigrants, John Leopold, Politics, population, trial, undocumented workers
Posted in andy harris, Barry Janney, Blogs, Brian Lockhart, Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Times, Elections, Elkton, Health, politics, real estate, Republicans, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »
News Analysis It was almost like watching the Elkton version of “Sunset Boulevard” — the classic movie in which forgotten silent film star Norma Desmond pathetically declares, “Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my close-up”– when the new Cecil County Council held its last formal session of the year Tuesday. Deadlocked again, the Council abdicated...
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Tags: "Chris Zeauskas", Alan McCarthy, attorney, Bill Feehley, cecil county, Cecil County council, Cecil Times, Central Committee, County Council, county executive, Diana Broomell, E.J. Pipkin, Hollywood, Michael Dunn, Michael Smigiel, Norman Wilson, Republican, Robert Gorman, Robert Hodge, Smipkin, Sunset Boulevard, Tari Moore
Posted in Brian Lockhart, Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, E.J. Pipkin, education, Elections, Elkton, Michael Smigiel, politics, real estate, Republican Central Committee, Republicans, Robert Hodge, Tea Party, Uncategorized, women | 37 Comments »
Fundraising for candidates in the District 1 County Council race is much like the campaign itself: Dr. Alan McCarthy, a Republican, is actively engaged while his Democratic rival, Pamela Bailey, is largely absent. McCarthy, a Chesapeake City veterinarian and businessman making his first run for countywide office, has raised a total of $22,546. Cumulatively,...
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Tags: Alan McCarthy, Business, campaign finance, cecil county, Cecil Times, chesapeake city, contribution, District 1, donation, earleville, election, finance report, First District, PAC, pamela bailey, Patriots, Politics, real estate, realtors, Realtors PAC, Republican club, Tea Party, veterinarian
Posted in Brian Lockhart, Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, chesapeake city, Chris Sutton, county commissioner, Democrats, Elections, politics, real estate, Republicans, Robert Hodge, Sheriff's Department, Tea Party, women | 2 Comments »
When is a Cecil County golf course a disco and what do late night live music and dancing have to do with playing 18 holes on the grassy links in the sunshine? That was the issue before the Cecil County Board of License Commissioners (liquor board) recently as the three-member panel reviewed the troubled...
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Tags: "Mike Smigiel", Bill Gerweck, Bittersweet, brantwood, Carrie Taylor, Cecil Bancorp, Cecil Bank, cecil county, Charles Sposato, Frank Connor, golf course, Liberty, liquor board, liquor license, Michael Smigiel, Said Aslum, Tim Snelling, William Gerweck
Posted in Brian Lockhart, Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, Michael Smigiel, politics, real estate, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »
There wasn’t a “Smipkin” in sight Wednesday night when a new business-oriented political action committee held its first official meeting in Elkton to organize a campaign against the current ruling majority of the Cecil County Commissioners. But there was a standing-room-only crowd of nearly 300 people, a bipartisan turnout of business owners, current and...
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Tags: Bill Manlove, Brian Lockhart, Business, cblbg, Cecil business Leaders for Better Government, cecil county, Cecil Times, ceciltimes, David K. Williams, david williams, Diana Broomell, E.J. Pipkin, Elkton, james mullin, jim mullin, Mario Gangemi, Michael Dunn, Michael Smigiel, PAC, Political Action Committee, Politics, real estate, Robert Hodge, Smipkin, Smipkins, Tari Moore, Wayne Tome
Posted in Brian Lockhart, Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, Democrats, E.J. Pipkin, Elections, Michael Smigiel, politics, real estate, Republicans, Robert Hodge | 11 Comments »