Posts Tagged ‘ absentee ’

Del. Hornberger, Councilor Miller in Fights for Political Lives in GOP Primary; Landslide Wins for Sheriff Adams, Wills Register Nickle

July 20, 2022

NEWS ANALYSIS If there is Karma in politics, Del. Kevin Hornberger (R-35B) is facing it: so confident of a re-election victory in a three-way race, he devoted much effort and political cash to promote allies of his wife, Cecil County Executive Danielle Hornberger, for the County Council in Tuesday’s Republican primary election. But he...
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Initial Tally in Cecil Co GOP Primary Strongly Favors Hornberger for County Exec, Gregory for Council; More Votes to be Counted

June 2, 2020

In the first-ever, mostly mail-in primary election in Cecil County history, political novice Danielle Hornberger held a compelling lead over incumbent Alan McCarthy for County Executive in the Republican primary, while incumbent Jackie Gregory was solidly ahead in the contested GOP primary for County Council in District 5, according to early returns from the...
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Cecil County Schools Get Middling Grades on New State ‘Report Card;’ Three Elementary Schools Shine

December 11, 2018

UPDATED A new state “report card” on the quality of local schools gave top rankings to just three Cecil County elementary schools—Calvert, Charlestown and Kenmore—while most middle and high schools scored the middle rank, with three stars on a five-star rating scale. The new state system is designed to broaden measures of school quality...
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Posted in cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, education, Elections, Elkton, politics, real estate, Uncategorized | No Comments »

Cecil County Del. Mike Smigiel MIA on Key Annapolis Votes on Gas Tax, Licenses for Illegals, Cyberbullying

April 19, 2013

If you take a paycheck, most employers expect you to show up for the job. But taxpayers didn’t get the job done by one of their employees when Cecil County Del. Michael Smigiel (R-36) was a no-show as the House of Delegates passed one of the most locally reviled bills of this year’s General...
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Posted in Business, campaign finance, cecil county, Cecil Times, Elections, Elkton, Michael Smigiel, politics, real estate, Republicans, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

Updated Cecil County Primary Vote Tally: Outcomes Unchanged

April 16, 2012

State election officials have now counted absentee, provisional and overseas ballots to come up with the full results of the April 3 Democratic and Republican primaries for Cecil County candidates. The post-election count of votes did not alter the outcome in any of the contests from the early voting and Election Day results. Overall,...
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Posted in campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, Democrats, Elections, Harry Hepbron, Michael Smigiel, politics, Republicans, Robert Hodge, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »


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