Cecil County Executive Alan McCarthy reflected on his four months in office Thursday (3/30/2017) as a “hectic” but “educational experience,” with steps already taken to reorganize county government, re-order transportation priorities, and promote business development. But he warned that the county faces a fiscal “empty bag” due to stalled revenues, rising costs, state spending...
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Tags: Alan McCarthy, budget, Business, casino, CBL, Cecil business leaders, cecil county, County Council, county executive, economic development, Economy, fund balance, impact aid, infrastructure, Mario Gangemi, PAC, reserve funds, revenue, sewer, Tari Moore
Posted in Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Times, chesapeake city, county commissioner, education, Elections, governor, politics, real estate, Republicans, Uncategorized | 3 Comments »
Cecil County hosted a party for Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan Thursday night to support his re-election campaign funds and when the guest of honor couldn’t make it to the event, the party went on—with a giant ‘get well’ card and support for Hogan in his battle against cancer. Organizers of the event, the Cecil...
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Tags: 2018 election, campaign, campaign finance, cancer, candidates, CBL, Cecil business leaders, cecil county, Chris Christie, David Craig, election, governor, governor hogan, hoganstrong, John Delaney, Kevin Kaminetz, Larry Hogan, Mario Gangemi, Politics, Rushern Baker, Steve Crim, Tom Perez
Posted in Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, politics, real estate, Republicans, Robert Hodge, Uncategorized | No Comments »
The 2014 Cecil County political contests took an interesting turn this week when George Patchell, executive director of the local YMCA, filed as a Republican candidate for County Council in District 4 to seek the seat held by controversial incumbent Diana Broomell. And Michael A. Dawson—known locally as “MAD Mike”—withdrew his candidacy for a...
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Tags: campaign finance, Cecil business leaders, cecil county, Cecil Times, County Council, delegate, diana broomel, district 4, election, Good Mike, Mad Mike, Mario Gangemi, Michael W. Dawson, Michel A. Dawson, Politics, senate
Posted in Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Elections, Michael Smigiel, politics, Republicans, Uncategorized | 15 Comments »
Cecil County Councilor Joyce Bowlsbey, who was appointed earlier this year by County Executive Moore to fill the balance of Moore’s term in District 2, announced Thursday night that she will be a candidate for election to the seat in the 2014 election. “I’ve decided that I owe it to this county to continue...
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Tags: 2014, Alan McCarthy, CBL, Cecil business leaders, County Council, david williams, E.J. Pipkin, election, GOP, Joyce Bowlsbey, Mario Gangemi, Michael Smigiel, Politics, Republican Central Committee, Robert Hodge, Smipkin, Tari Moore
Posted in Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, chesapeake city, county commissioner, E.J. Pipkin, education, Elections, Michael Smigiel, politics, real estate, Republican Central Committee, Robert Hodge, Uncategorized | 18 Comments »
It was a night for crowing a bit about the unanimous success of the five local candidates endorsed for election last year by the Cecil Business Leaders organization but organizers of the group were not resting on their laurels Thursday evening as they urged Cecil County citizens to get involved in re-designing the local...
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Tags: 2014, Alan McCarthy, campaign finance, Cecil business leaders, cecil county, county commissioner, david williams, Diana Broomell, donations, election, Elkton, Honey Boo Boo, james mullin, Jane Murray, Keith Baynes, Mario Gangemi, Michael Dunn, PAC, Political Action Committee, Politics, Robert Hodge, Tari Moore
Posted in Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, Democrats, Elections, Elkton, politics, real estate, Republicans, Robert Hodge, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »