Jason Gallion, a Harford County farmer and a former two-time candidate for the House of Delegates, has been named by Republicans in the two-counties of Senate District 35 to run unopposed on the GOP primary election ballot in June. His name would replace that of incumbent Sen. Wayne Norman, who died suddenly on Sunday....
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Tags: Andrew Cassily, barry glassman, cecil county, Cecil Times, delegate, election, farmer, General Assembly, general election, GOP, Harford County, Harford county executive, Jason Gallion, NRA, Patriots, Politics, primary, Republican Central Committee, Republicans, Right to Life, senate, state board of elections, teresa reilly, Wayne Norman
Posted in Business, campaign finance, cecil county, Cecil Times, Democrats, Elections, governor, politics, Republican Central Committee, Republicans, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »
Sen. Wayne Norman (R-35), a cheerful political presence in Harford and Cecil Counties who pursued a conservative legislative agenda and a personal agenda of kindness and humor, died suddenly Sunday at his home. He was unopposed for re-election in both the Republican primary and on the November general election ballot. Gov. Larry Hogan issued...
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Tags: 2018 election, Alan McCarthy, Annapolis, appoint, ballot, barry glassman, cecil county, Diane Carabetta, District 35, election, governor hogan, Harford County, Larry Hogan, Politics, senator, state senate, Steve Hershey, Wayne Norman
Posted in Alan McCarthy, campaign finance, cecil county, Cecil Times, Elections, governor, politics, Republican Central Committee, Republicans, Uncategorized | No Comments »
CRISFIELD—What a difference a year makes in the political landscape of the Upper Eastern Shore, but some things never change at one Shore political institution: the J. Millard Tawes annual crab and clambake here. The beer was still icy, the crabs and fried clams were warm and plentiful, and the still-surviving candidates after an...
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Tags: "Mike Smigiel", Anthony Brown, crab, Crisfield, delegate, Democrat, Democratic, Dick Sossi, District 35, District 36, E.J. Pipkin, EJ Pipkin, election, J. Millard Tawes, Jay Jacobs, Larry Hogan, Michael Smigiel, Peter Franchot, Politics, Republican, Steve Arentz, Steve Hershey, Tawes, teresa reilly, Wayne Norman
Posted in cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Times, Democrats, E.J. Pipkin, Elections, governor, Peter Franchot, politics, Republicans, Richard Sossi, Uncategorized | No Comments »
The 2014 campaign for state legislative seats in western Cecil County will bring new names and faces in re-drawn Senate and House of Delegates districts, and two new Republican contenders declared their candidacy on Tuesday in Cecil County: Del. Wayne Norman, a Bel Air lawyer, seeking the new Senate 35th Dist. seat, and his...
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Tags: andrew cassilly, C4L, Campaign for Liberty, cecil county, Cecil Times, David Rudolph, delegate, District 35, district 35A, district 35B, Harford County, House, MAD Mike Dawson, Michael A. Dawson, Nancy Jacobs, Perryville, Politics, senate, teresa reilly, Wayne Norman
Posted in Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Times, census, education, Elections, governor, politics, Republican Central Committee, Republicans, Robert Hodge, State's Attorney, Uncategorized | No Comments »
Cecil County Councilor Diana Broomell (R-4), often a lightening rod for controversy both on the old county Commissioners board and the new County Council, told Cecil Times that she plans to run for re-election to her council seat in 2014, contrary to rampant local speculation that she would run for a newly redrawn state...
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Tags: 2014, 35, cecil county, Cecil County Executive, Cecil Times, County Council, county executive, Diana Broomell, district, Donna Stiffler, election, Harford County, House, House of Delegates, Michael Smigiel, Politics, seat, Tari Moore, Wayne Norman
Posted in Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, Elections, Elkton, Michael Smigiel, politics, real estate, Republicans, Robert Hodge, Uncategorized | 17 Comments »