NEWS ANALYSIS The script for a citizens’ “town hall” meeting this week on the upcoming Fiscal 2016 Cecil County budget was much the same as similar sessions in the past: the majority of speakers advocated for public schools and library spending and predict dire consequences if these popular programs do not get what their...
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Tags: animal, animal control, buddies, Buddy for Life, budget, buyout, Carl Roberts, cecil county, Cecil County SPCA, cola, County Council, county executive, Craig Whiteford, dog, earleville, Elkton, employee, finance department, fund balance, Ken Cowley, landfill, layoff, pay, property tax, raise, reserve funds, Sheriff, spca, Tari Moore, tax, town hall
Posted in Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, Elections, Elkton, governor, Martin O'Malley, politics, Sheriff's Department, Ted Kolodzey | 13 Comments »