For over 20 years, Earleville residents living near a federal shipping channel dredge spoil dumpsite fought for recognition, accountability and an immediate solution for pollution of their drinking water wells. Finally, on Saturday 5/28/16, they got an apology, free bottled water, and the concerned attention of Gov. Larry Hogan’s administration, represented by the Secretary...
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Tags: bayview estates, Ben Grumbles, brain, CDC, cecil county, centers for disease control and prevention, Corps, dump, earleville, EPA, Ginny Kearney, governor, health department, hogan, Karl Markiewicz, Larry Hogan, manganese, Maryland Department of the Environment, MDE, MDE secretary, pearce creek, pollution, secretary, Sunset Pointe, toxicologist, US Army corps of engineers, water, west view shores
Posted in Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, Elkton, governor, Health, politics, real estate | 4 Comments »
A CECIL TIMES SPECIAL REPORT Residents of three Earleville communities, who have been fighting for decades to get state and federal agencies to resolve well water pollution caused by a federal dredge spoil dumpsite, will now get free bottled water after the federal Centers for Disease Control recently raised alarm bells about high manganese...
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Tags: Alan McCarthy, army corps of engineers, bayview estates, cecil county, cecil county health department, Cecil Times, dump, dumpsiste, earleville, Fred VonStaden, Jeff Fretwell, Maryland Department of the Environment, Maryland Department of transportation, Maryland Port administration, MDE, MPA, pearce creek, polllution, pollution, secretary of transportation, Sunset Pointe, water, wells, west view shores
Posted in Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, Cecilton, chesapeake city, Elkton, Health, politics, real estate, Robert Hodge, seniors, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »
The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) has issued a six-month permit to the US Army Corps of Engineers to allow renewed dumping of shipping channel dredge spoil at the Pearce Creek site the Corps owns in southern Cecil County. But dumping could not resume until construction begins on a seven-mile water pipeline from...
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Tags: Army Corps, bay view estates, cecil county, Cecil Times, Cecilton, chesapeake city, dump, earleville, Elk River, Joe Zang, Ken Cowley, Maryland Department of the Environment, Maryland Port administration, mayor, MDE, MPA, pearce creek, pipeline, pollution, Sunset Pointe, US Army corps of engineers, waterline, west view shores
Posted in Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, Cecilton, chesapeake city, Elkton, Health, politics, real estate, Uncategorized | 10 Comments »
The US Army Corps of Engineers is refusing to provide temporary free bottled water to Earleville residents whose drinking water wells were polluted by a federal dredge spoil dumpsite, which the Corps and the Maryland Port Administration (MPA) are trying to re-open to new dumping after a 20-year hiatus due to pollution concerns. During...
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Tags: bay view estates, Bill Haines, bottled water, cecil county, Cecil County council, Cecil Times, Cecilton, Corps, County Council, Diana Broomell, dredge spoil, dump, earleville, Ken Cowley, Maryland Department of the Environment, Maryland Port administration, MDE, MPA, pearce creek, permit, pipeline, Robert Hodge, Sunset Pointe, US Army corps of engineers, water quality certification, west view shores
Posted in Business, cecil county, cecil county government, politics, real estate, Republicans, Robert Hodge, Uncategorized | 4 Comments »
ELKTON–State transportation officials converged on Elkton on Tuesday 9/30/14 to outline state spending priorities in Cecil County, as Transportation Secretary Jim Smith boasted of multi-agency meetings to pressure for quick approval of an environmental permit to allow resumed shipping channel dredge spoil dumping at an Earleville site that has polluted local residents’ drinking water...
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Tags: bay view estates, blackmail, cecil county, Cecilton, commuter rail, county executive, dump, earleville, Elkton, James smith, Jim Smith, MARC, Maryland Port administration, Maryland Transportation, MPA, pearce creek, pipeline, Robert Hodge, secretary, Sunset Pointe, Tari Moore, train, water, west view shores
Posted in Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, Cecilton, Elkton, politics, real estate, Robert Hodge, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »