In the first four days of early voting for the November general election, statewide turnout surged over the last mid-term national election four years ago, while in Cecil County, where few local races are contested on the ballot, early turnout was sluggish. But if the local-only contests drew yawns, and the top-of-the-tickets gubernatorial race...
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Tags: ads, andy harris, ballot, Board of Elections, cecil county, Congress, County Council, Democrat, District 1, early voting, Eastern Shore, election, First District, GOP, governor, governor hogan, House, independent, jesse colvin, Larry Hogan, Politics, polls, Republican, social media, television, TV, unaffiliated, voter turnout, voters
Posted in andy harris, Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Times, census, Democrats, education, Elections, Elkton, governor, politics, Republicans, Uncategorized | No Comments »
Early voting in Cecil County, a week-long opportunity for local voters to cast ballots in advance of the Tuesday 4/26/16 formal primary election day, drew 5.1 percent of eligible voters to cast ballots, with Republicans casting 469 more ballots than Democrats despite the GOP’s larger voter registration advantage, according to state Board of Elections...
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Tags: Alan McCarthy, cecil couty, Cecil Times, County Council, Dan Scheckenburger, Democrat, Democratic, early voting, Elkton, governor, independent, Joyce Bowlsbey, Larry Hogan, Republican, Smipkins, unaffiliated, voter turnout
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Early voting in the 2016 primary elections, which began last Thursday and continues for a week, is bringing out a small, but steady, voter turnout in an election that will decide several local contests as well as register county voters’ views on statewide and national campaigns. So far, southern Cecil County voters have a...
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Tags: cecil county, Cecilton, chesapeake blvd, county administration, Democrat, earleville, early voting, election, Elkton, independent, Politics, repulican, south county, state board of elections, turnout, unaffiliated, vote, voter, voting
Posted in Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, chesapeake city, Elections, Elkton, politics, Republicans, Uncategorized | No Comments »
Cecil County residents have until 9 p.m. tonight (Tuesday, 6/3/14) to register to vote or change their political party affiliation to be able to cast ballots in the Democratic or Republican primary election on June 24. People who have previously registered as “unaffiliated,” or not aligning with any political party, will be unable to...
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Tags: Board of Elections, cecil county, change party affiliation, election, Elkton, general election, online, Politics, primary, unaffiliated, vote, voter registration
Posted in campaign finance, cecil county, Democrats, Elections, Elkton, Michael Smigiel, politics, Republicans, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »
Cecil County Executive Tari Moore filed a late campaign finance report documenting minimal financial activity in the final days of her successful campaign while Pam Howard, a Democrat who lost in the November election, pumped her campaign spending into high gear toward the end of the contest. Moore, who ran as a Republican but...
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Tags: Board of Elections, campaign finance, cecil county, Cecil County Executive, Cecil Times, county executive, Democrat, election, late, Pam Howard, Politics, Republican, Robert McKnight, Tari Moore, unaffiliated
Posted in Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, Democrats, Elections, Elkton, politics, real estate, Republicans, Uncategorized, women | 1 Comment »