A CECIL TIMES Special Report (With legal footnotes) Cecil County Council member Jackie Gregory (R-5) has continued to collect a salary from county public schools in the current budget year, despite questions of county Charter and ethics rules barring Council members from paid employment with other county agencies. And she has also claimed reimbursement...
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Tags: 2020, Al Miller, Bill Coutz, Bob Meffley, campaign committee, cecil county, Cecil County council, Cecil Times, County Council, election, Elkton, expenses, George Patchell, Jackie Gregory, John Downs, lawyer, Maryland Association of Counties, political campaign, Politics, reimbursements, Republican, special report, taxpayers, tickets
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COMMENTARY Cecil County State’s Attorney Edward D.E. “Ellis” Rollins III was sentenced to probation, a fine, community service and a mandatory psychological evaluation on Tuesday (2/14/2017) for his conviction on charges of indecent exposure and disorderly conduct in a sex-related case. But Cecil County taxpayers have yet to get justice for the salary and...
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Tags: Alan McCarthy, Attorney General, Brian Frosh, budget, cecil county, Cecil Times, Circuit Court, county executive, disorderly conduct, edward d.e "ellis" rollins III, Ellis Rollins, indecent exposure, judge baynes, Keith Baynes, Kyle rollins, nepotism, restitution, sex, taxpayers
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Cecil County Executive Tari Moore has failed to decide among multiple bidders on an 18-month contract for animal control services beginning 1/1/2016, putting off a scheduled recommendation for a contract to the County Council at its Tuesday 11/17/15 meeting and instead scheduling a secret, closed-door meeting with the Council on the issue. As a...
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Tags: Al Wein, animal control, Buddy for Life, budget, cat, cecil county, Cecil County SPCA, contract, County Council, county council bid, david fang, dog, harford county humane society, harford humane, Jeanne Deeming, Kevin Usilton, RFP, Robert Hodge, shelter, spca, Tari Moore, taxes, taxpayers
Posted in Business, cecil county, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, Elkton, politics, real estate, Republicans, Robert Hodge, Uncategorized | 2 Comments »
Members of the Cecil County Council, who raised questions during this year’s budget deliberations about a nearly $20 million new library and administrative offices for the county’s public library system in North East, were briefed this week on the project, which could also set up a potential clash with the town over the fate...
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Tags: aid, Alan McCarthy, books, cecil county public library, computers, Dan Schneckenburger, Denise Davis, library, North East, real estate, Robert Hodge, Robert McKnight, state, taxpayers, town, XCecil County
Posted in Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, education, Elkton, politics, real estate, Robert Hodge, Uncategorized | 8 Comments »
You know it’s going to be an interesting, or circuitous, argument when a legal or political document begins with an 1835 quotation from Alexis de Tocqueville, that astute observer of early America. A Circuit Court judge recently struck both legal and political notes in ruling that Del. Michael Smigiel (R-36) should not be required...
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Tags: "Mike Smigiel", campaign finance, cecil county, county attorney, fines, Jason Allison, judge, lawsuit, legal fees, Michael Smigiel, sanctions, Tari Moore, taxpayers
Posted in Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, Elections, Michael Smigiel, politics, Republican Central Committee, Uncategorized | 8 Comments »