Governor Martin O’Malley announced Wednesday he has appointed Republican Del. Steve Hershey, of Queen Anne’s County, to the state Senate– rejecting Cecil County Del. Michael Smigiel’s bid to fill the seat vacated by his former political ally and mentor E.J. Pipkin. As a result, there will be a new process to fill Hershey’s Delegate...
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Tags: "Mike Smigiel", Caroline County, Central Committee, GOP, governor, Jeff Ghrist, Kent County, Martin O'Malley, Michael Smigiel, O, pipkin, Queen Anne's County, Republican, senate, Steve Arentz, Steve Hershey
Posted in campaign finance, cecil county, Cecil Times, Democrats, E.J. Pipkin, Elections, Martin O'Malley, Michael Smigiel, politics, Republican Central Committee, Republicans, Uncategorized | No Comments »
AN APPRECIATION Nelson Bolender was a forgiving man. From misbehaving teenagers who ran afoul of the principal of Elkton High to critics or foes in Cecil County politics, Nelson Bolender practiced the often lost art of being able to disagree without being disagreeable. He took some bold and at times controversial steps during his...
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Tags: "phyllis kilby", Al Wein, Bainbridge, Basell, camel, cecil county, county commissioner, County Commissioners, election, elkton high, funeral, Harry Hepbron, Nelson Bolender, pipkin, Politics, president, principal, Rebecca Demmler, schools, Smigiel, Smipkins, Three Amigos, vo-tech school
Posted in cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, Democrats, E.J. Pipkin, education, Elections, Elkton, Harry Hepbron, Kilby, Michael Smigiel, politics, Republicans, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »
The new Cecil County Council continued its 2-2 stalemate Tuesday as Cecil County Executive Tari Moore held off on appointing a successor to her old District 2 seat and asked for approval of a special legal counsel to represent the county in possible court challenges to her appointment. The County Council, in its first...
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Tags: "Mike Smigiel", administrator, Al Wein, Alan McCarthy, appoint, cecil county, Cecil Times, county commissioner, County Council, county executive, Diana Broomell, E.J. Pipkin, Elkton, government, james mullin, Jason Allison, Michael Dunn, Michael Smigiel, pipkin, Robert Hodge, Tari Moore, Winston Robinson
Posted in cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, E.J. Pipkin, Elections, Michael Smigiel, politics, Republican Central Committee, Republicans, Robert Hodge, Uncategorized, women | 12 Comments »
Dr. Alan McCarthy, who is seeking to oust incumbent County Commissioner James Mullin (R-1) in this year’s Republican primary, has raised $11,631 so far from donors and fundraising events while Mullin has done minimal fundraising but has a $16,200 mystery in his campaign reports: money showed up in January but disappeared in March, with...
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Tags: Alan McCarthy, Board of Election, campaign finance, cecil county, Cecil Times, contributions, County Council, Democrat, District 1, donations, election, election law, First District, fundraiser, Garrett Billmire, james mullin, jim mullin, money, mystery, pamela bailey, pipkin, Politics, Smigiel, Smipkins
Posted in Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, chesapeake city, county commissioner, Democrats, Elections, Michael Smigiel, politics, real estate, Republicans, Uncategorized | No Comments »
What’s in a name? In Cecil County—and especially in Perryville—there has been a lot of confusion over the two Mike Dawsons. But one of them recently filed election documents intended to make his identity clear to local voters. Michael W. Dawson (MWD) was the Constitution Party candidate last year for state Delegate in District...
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Tags: ballot, Cecil Times, ceciltimes, Constitution Party, David Rudolph, delegate, delegate 2010, election, election board, Mad Mike, Michael A. Dawson, Michael W. Dawson, Perryville, pipkin, Politics, Republican, Republican National Convention, Smigiel, Smipkin, Smipkins, Three Amigos
Posted in Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, Elections, Michael Smigiel, politics, Republican Central Committee, Republicans, Uncategorized | No Comments »