“Mapmaker, mapmaker, make me a map…” (With apologies to ‘Fiddler on the Roof’) Caroline County residents thought they had a golden opportunity to have their own “resident” Delegate in the General Assembly, after a nearly 20-year hiatus, with revised district line maps that expand the county’s voting share in the four-county 36th legislative district....
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Tags: 2014, 36th District, Caroline County, cecil county, Cecil Times, Central Committee, delegate, District 36, E.J. Pipkin, election, GOP, governor, House of Delegates, Jeff Ghrist, Kent County, map, O'Malley, Politics, primary, Queen Anne's County, redistricting, Republican, Rob Willoughby, Steve Arentz, Steve Hershey
Posted in Business, campaign finance, cecil county, Cecil Times, chesapeake city, county commissioner, E.J. Pipkin, Elections, Martin O'Malley, Michael Smigiel, politics, real estate, Republican Central Committee, Republicans, Uncategorized | No Comments »
Faced with a growing crisis in illegal drug usage in Cecil County, County Executive Tari Moore on Tuesday named a health official as a “special assistant” to develop a plan to combat drugs and expand treatment options, while a state judge who deals with drug offenders urged broader services to deal with alcohol abuse...
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Tags: cecil county, cecil tinmes, Diana Broomell, drug abuse, drug court, drugs, Elkton, governor, health department, judge, Keith Baynes, methadone, O'Malley, Robert Hodge, Stephanie garrity, Tari Moore
Posted in cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, Elkton, governor, Martin O'Malley, politics, Robert Hodge, Uncategorized | 3 Comments »
After two weeks of political drama, two county Republican committees have sent to Gov. Martin O’Malley the name of their nominee—Del. Steve Hershey—to fill the vacant state Senate seat in Dist. 36, thus apparently ending the local process and shifting the decision to Annapolis to break a tie between Hershey and Del. Michael Smigiel....
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Tags: "Mike Smigiel", 2014, appoint, bully, Caroline County, cecil county, Central Committee, Dist.36, E.J. Pipkin, EJ Pipkin, election, GOP, governor, Kent County, Michael Smigiel, O'Malley, primary, Queene Anne's County, Republican, Republican Central Committee, robocall, senate, Steve Hershey, vote
Posted in campaign finance, cecil county, Cecil Times, E.J. Pipkin, Elections, governor, Martin O'Malley, Michael Smigiel, politics, Republican Central Committee, Republicans, Uncategorized | 4 Comments »
A Cecil Times Special Report While a political bloodbath has been unfolding in the four counties of the state legislative 36th District recently, the man who caused it has been serenely contemplating, on social media, Texas sports teams and Lone Star state oversized hamburgers. But E.J. Pipkin’s abandonment of his Maryland Senate seat, for...
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Tags: "Mike Smigiel", Caroline County, cecil county, Cecil Times, Central Committee, delegate, Democrat, E.J. Piplkin, EJ Pipkin, election, GOP, governor, House, Kent County, maryland, Michael Smigiel, O'Malley, Politics, Queen Anne's County, Republican, senate, Steve Hershey, vote
Posted in andy harris, campaign finance, cecil county, Cecil Times, Democrats, E.J. Pipkin, Elections, Elkton, governor, Martin O'Malley, Michael Smigiel, politics, Republican Central Committee, Republicans, Richard Sossi, Uncategorized, women | 2 Comments »
The Caroline County Republican Central Committee has voted to endorse Del. Steve Hershey, of Queen Anne’s County, to fill the vacant Dist. 36 state Senate seat—with the likely result that he will prevail over remaining rival Del. Michael Smigiel, of Cecil County. In a whirlwind of events in the past day, the Caroline County...
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Tags: "Mike Smigiel", Audrey Scott, Caroline County, cecil county, Cecil Times, Central Committee, Democrat, Diana Waterman, Dist.36, governor, Kent County, Michael Smigiel, O'Malley, Queen Anne's, Republican, Robert Willoughby, seat, senate, Steve Hershey, vacancy
Posted in andy harris, cecil county, Cecil Times, Democrats, E.J. Pipkin, Elections, Michael Smigiel, politics, Republican Central Committee, Republicans, Richard Sossi, Uncategorized, women | 5 Comments »