A CECIL TIMES Special Report Cecil County Sheriff Scott Adams has signed an agreement with the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency to co-operate with ICE to identify and turn over Detention Center inmates who are being sought as illegal immigrants. But the county is not participating in a separate federal program that would...
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Tags: alien, Anne Arundel county, budget, cecil county, Cecil Times, County Council, county executive, detention center, Frederick, frrederick, harford, Harford County, howard county, ICE, illegal, immigrant, immigration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, jail, Scott adams, Sheriff, Steuart pittman, worcester
Posted in Alan McCarthy, Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, Elkton, Politics, Sheriff's Department, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »
Perhaps it was the location in historic Chestertown, the home of Washington College and a tradition of political civility, that led to a particularly polite candidates’ forum Tuesday night among candidates for state Delegate and Senator in the 36th district. An earlier forum in Cecil County with many of the same candidates had lots...
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Tags: Al Michael, Art Hock, Arthur Hock, Bay, Bill Manlove, birthright, Business, campaign finance, candidate, candidates, cecil county, Chesapeake Bay, Chestertown, citizenship, commissioner, Constitution, county commissioner, delegate, Democrat, Dick Sossi, E.J. Pipkin, election, Elections, environment, forum, House, illegal immigrants, immigration, Jay Jacobs, Kent County, League of Women Voters, maryland, Michael Smigiel, Mumford, news, politcs, Politics, Queene Anne's County, Republican, Richard Sossi, Rock Hall, senate, Stephel S. Hershey, Steve Mumford
Posted in Business, campaign finance, cecil county, county commissioner, Democrats, E.J. Pipkin, Elections, Michael Smigiel, Michael Smigiel, politics, Politics, Republicans, Richard Sossi | No Comments »