Scott Adams, the Republican candidate for Cecil County Sheriff, coasted to an overwhelming victory over William (Danny) Blackburn, a Democrat, in Tuesday’s general election. Adams also won a solid majority in the June Republican primary, despite a crowded field of candidates, with his “team” approach that focused on putting experienced law enforcement experts into...
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Tags: cecil county, chris sutton, crime, danny blackburn, drug abuse, drugs, election, Politics, Scott adams, Sheriff, vote
Posted in Barry Janney, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Times, Chris Sutton, Democrats, Elections, politics, Sheriff's Department, Uncategorized | No Comments »
There were budget questions and history lessons Wednesday evening as the rivals for Cecil County Sheriff and candidates for Register of Wills faced-off in a question-and-answer session at Cecil College, less than a month before the November general election. The candidates’ forum, sponsored by the Cecil County Chamber of Commerce, provided William (Danny) Blackburn,...
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Tags: campaign finance, candidate, Carl Roberts, Cecil College, cecil county, chamber of commerce, christian, danny blackburn, debate, Democrat, election, estate, forum, law, lyn nickle.Allyn price nickle, Michael Dawson, Politics, primary, probate, register, register of wills, religion, Republican, Scott adams, Sheriff, sjeroff
Posted in Barry Janney, Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, Chris Sutton, Democrats, Elections, Elkton, politics, real estate, Republicans, Sheriff's Department, Uncategorized, women | 2 Comments »
Cecil County Republican voters overwhelmingly chose Scott Adams for Sheriff on Tuesday, rejecting the third try for the job by Chris Sutton. Sutton had previously run twice as a Democrat but switched to the Republican party before filing this time as a candidate to replace the retiring Sheriff Barry Janney. Adams, a sergeant with...
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Tags: "Barry Janney", campaign, cecil county, chris sutton, dan slater, danny blackburn, Democrat, drugs, law enforcement, primary, Republican, Scott adams, Sheriff, vote
Posted in Barry Janney, campaign finance, cecil county, Chris Sutton, Elections, Elkton, politics, Republicans, Sheriff's Department, Uncategorized | 6 Comments »
New reports to the state Board of Elections by recently-filed candidates for Cecil County offices show that two County Council candidates have quickly assembled substantial campaign warchests while a minimally-financed incumbent Councilor has removed his campaign treasurer, who is barred under state election rules from service due to her involvement with a PAC that...
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Tags: "Good Mike" Dawson, Bill Gerczak, Bilton Morgan, Board of Elections, campaign finance, candidate, cecil county, chip peterson, chris sutton, County Council, Dan Schneckenburger, dan slater, danny blackburn, Democrat, Diana Broomell, election, George Patchell, Lisa Conley, MAD Dawson, Meagan Schwartz, Michael Dunn, Michael Smigiel, PAC, Politics, register of wills, Republican, Republicans of Cecil County PAC, Robert Gorman, robert willick, Scott adams, Sheriff, Sheriff's Department, State Prosecutor, william killough
Posted in Business, campaign finance, Cecil Chatter, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Times, Chris Sutton, Democrats, Elections, Michael Smigiel, politics, Republican Central Committee, Republicans, Sheriff's Department, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »