The Cecil County Board of Commissioners voted Tuesday to revise history, deleting or rewriting from the minutes of previous meetings statements that were made in public but some commissioners did not want in the printed record of their work sessions. The Commissioners have been arguing for weeks over the minutes of public and closed...
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Tags: blog, Board president, cecil county, Cecil County Commissioners, Cecil county Maryland, Cecil County MD, Cecil County SPCA, cecil county times, Cecil Times,, Commissioner michael dunn, Commissioner mike dunn, commissioners, County Commissioners, Diana Broomell, gaming, history, james mullin, jim mullin, maryland, Michael Dunn, Mike Dunn, minutes, Nancy Schwerzler, news, Penn National, Politics, Robert Hodge, Slots, someone noticed, someonenoticed, spca, Tari Moore, vote, wordpress
Posted in cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, politics, Politics, real estate, Republicans, Robert Hodge | 6 Comments »
Cecil County is about to lose key state funds to support part of its jail operations, leaving open the prospect that the county could be forced to pick up about $1 million a year in operating costs for the facility. Part of the problem was disclosed Tuesday during a work session of the Cecil...
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Tags: "Barry Janney", Business, CARC, cECIL CONTY JAIL, cecil county, Cecil County jail, Cecil Times,, chris sutton, commissioner, commissioners, county commissioner, delegate, Democrat, dentention center, detention center, election, jail, jANEY, Janney, JEFFREY CLEWER, MAJOR, maryland, Nancy Schwerzler, news, Sheriff, sHERIFF jANEY, Tari Moore, www,
Posted in Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, county commissioner, politics, Politics, Sheriff's Department | 1 Comment »
The Hollywood Casino in Perryville saw increased per-machine slots revenues last month, resulting in a total of $2.4 million in “local impact” aid for Cecil County and the Town of Perryville in the current fiscal year. The Perryville slots parlor has generated a total of over $44 million in revenues, including $14.6 million in...
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Tags: Business, casino, cecil county, Cecil County comissioners, cecil county times, Cecil Times, ceciltimes,, commissioner, commissioners, county commissioner, election, governor, Hollywood casino, local impact aid, maryland, Nancy Schwerzler, news, Ocean City, Ocean Downs, Perryville, Politics, revenues, Slots, slots parlor, town, wordpress
Posted in Business, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, county commissioner, education, politics, Slots | No Comments »
The ink was barely dry on the Cecil County Commissioners’ appointment of a citizen budget advisory panel when two Commissioners firmly aligned with the Pipkin-Smigiel political machine released on Thursday afternoon a duo-lateral edict for the county’s budget process, with a proposal that settles several political scores for their mentors. The full five-member Cecil...
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Tags: "Barry Janney", animal abuse, animal control, budget, budget cuts, candidate, candidates, cecil county, Cecil County SPCA, commissioner, commissioners, county commissioner, delegate, Diana Broomell, E.J. Pipkin, election, Elections, injunction, james mullin, jim mullin, maryland, Michael Dunn, Michael Smigiel, news, phony SPCA, Politics, Republican, Sheriff, Smigiel and animals, Smipkin, Smipkins, spca
Posted in cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, county commissioner, E.J. Pipkin, Elections, Michael Smigiel, Michael Smigiel, politics, Republicans | 2 Comments »
After weeks of discussion and hand-wringing, the Cecil County Board of Commissioners finally named a five-member budget advisory panel Tuesday, with some Commissioners picking people with impressive credentials while Board President James Mullin (R-1st) picked a major donor to his political allies’ Political Action Committee. The Commissioners have been discussing appointment of a budget...
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Tags: budget, budget advisors, budget committee, Business, campaign finance, candidate, candidates, cecil county, Cecil fiscal conservative, commissioner, commissioners, conservative team, county commissioner, Deborah Horn, delegate, Democrat, Diana Broomell, E.J. Pipkin, election, fiscal team, james mullin, jim mullin, maryland, Michael Dunn, Michael Smigiel, Politics, Republican, Republicans of Cecil, republicans of Cecil PAC, Republicans of Cewcl fiscal conserviative Fiscal team, Robert Hodge, senate, Tari Moore
Posted in Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Christopher Eastridge, county commissioner, Democrats, E.J. Pipkin, Elections, Michael Halter, Michael Smigiel, Michael Smigiel, politics, Politics, Republican Central Committee, Republicans, Robert Hodge, State's Attorney | 2 Comments »