Mrs. Hornberger Dips Toe in Cecil County Politics, McDowell Sees Exec Run; Meffley Files for Council
Over four months before the filing deadline for 2020 primary elections in Maryland, Cecil County politics are taking an interesting twist, as multiple candidates emerge for County Executive, with the potential for a place-holder trying to scare others out of the race. And veteran County Council President Bob Meffley (R-1) has made it official by filing for re-election.
Danielle Hornberger, the wife of state Del. Kevin Hornberger (R-35), filed paperwork with the state Board of Elections for a campaign committee, “Friends of Danielle Hornberger,” on 9/4/2019. But she did not file separate paperwork to declare her candidacy for a particular elected office. Mrs. Hornberger, who is a part-time employee of US Rep. Andy Harris (R-1), is a former substitute teacher in southern Maryland and Cecil County. Harris has been a major campaign fundraiser and supporter for her husband’s political endeavors.
In addition, Ewing McDowell, a Rising Sun area farm owner, state employee and former state Republican political candidate, is close to filing for County Executive, setting up a potentially crowded political field for the top Cecil County elected office. Incumbent Executive Alan McCarthy, a Republican, has already filed for re-election. [UPDATED}
Multiple Cecil County GOP sources have told CECIL TIMES for weeks that Mrs. Hornberger has been making the rounds of local Republicans to discuss plans to run for county executive and soliciting support. But some GOP sources suggest that she might just be a “placeholder”—to deter others from filing as candidates in the race—until Harris selects another personal choice for the contest.
For the past several years, Harris has sought to influence local county politics, much like the old “Smipkin” political machine led by former Del. Michael Smigiel and Sen. E.J. Pipkin, both R-36, that controlled a three-vote majority of the old Cecil County Board of Commissioners, a troika known locally as the “Three Amigos.” Pipkin resigned from office to move to Texas while all of the others were defeated in subsequent local elections.
Harris was a major supporter of and donor to Hornberger’s initial successful race for state Delegate, against veteran Democrat Del. David Rudolph, who was unseated as the Dist. 35 voter registration shifted to a Republican majority several years ago.
Mrs. Hornberger has a lackluster resume and minimal qualifications for overseeing the multi-million dollar budget of Cecil County at a time when the county is experiencing a significant economic development and job growth boom under the McCarthy administration. She attended a southern Maryland community college, worked as a substitute teacher in that area and in Cecil County, and briefly worked at the North Bay outdoor education program in Cecil County. (McCarthy holds a four-year undergraduate Bachelor of Science degree and a doctorate in veterinary medicine, and is still licensed and accredited as a veterinarian. He also has an extensive history as a business entrepreneur.)
Currently, Mrs. Hornberger is a part-time worker for Rep. Harris, largely dispensing certificates of achievement to Boy Scouts and civic groups in Cecil and Harford counties. According to US House of Representatives records, she was paid a total of $5,865 for the first quarter of this year, which would amount to an annualized salary of $23,460. She also received substantial expense reimbursements for the first quarter of the year, for auto travel and food and supplies, amounting to nearly $2,000. Similar expenses on an annualized basis would total $8,000. In addition, her husband collects a federal government salary as a “facility manager” for the Library of Congress in Washington, DC and a state government salary as a Delegate in the General Assembly. If she became county executive, she would add over $95,000 in Cecil County government salary to her family income.
CECIL TIMES contacted Mrs. Hornberger to discuss her political plans but she said she was “working now” and would call back. Subsequently, she sent an email, stating, “Many people have been urging me to run for office, and I’m getting closer to an announcement, but I am still talking and meeting with community leaders and local residents to discuss.”
Meanwhile, McDowell told CECIL TIMES that he was close to filing for County Executive but was not yet ready to announce a candidacy. Multiple GOP sources have told CECIL TIMES that he is a definite “go” for the contest and many local Republicans have been urging him to run.
McDowell ran a solid, but losing, race in 2006 against former Democratic Del. David Rudolph, who was subsequently defeated by Kevin Hornberger. A review of McDowell’s past campaign finance reports shows that most of his past local donors are either dead or no longer involved in politics, so he would have to corral a whole new group of supporters in any 2020 race.
McDowell told CECIL TIMES that he was receiving encouragement from leaders of the county’s towns, who feel that their concerns are being ignored by the McCarthy administration, and some local political activists say they are looking for “anyone but Alan.”
While McDowell has not yet filed a formal campaign committee and has not filed an official candidacy statement, his background hits some high notes in agriculture experience. McDowell is currently employed by the state Department of Commerce as an agriculture adviser and sits as a member of a state commission on aquaculture, or seeking opportunities for seafood cultivation. He also has served as a senior official at the state planning department under the Hogan administration.
Meanwhile, Cecil County Council President Bob Meffley (R-1) recently made it official by filing for re-election to his Council seat. Meffley is known throughout the county as accessible to constituents and willing to listen to citizens’ concerns
“I really like to help people,” Meffley told CECIL TIMES. “I love my job.”
Displaying an unusual level of self-knowledge and honesty for a politician, Meffley added that his biggest flaw as a politician was that he sometimes was “too lenient” with government critics and “let things fester” for a while before figuring out how to solve a problem.
Meffley also said he was supportive of McCarthy’s administration because it has promoted job development and business growth. Meffley, a longtime plumbing business owner in the south county, said that if re-elected, he would work hard to continue the county’s economic growth.
I hope Ms Hornberger has better ideas than her husband’s. He once wanted a study to bring elk back to Elkton. Totally laughable as elk are migratory animals. Also I think I saw Mr. Hornburglar in the audience at a White House Correspondents Dinner on youtube laughing uncontrollably at every Trump joke told by Michelle Wolf. I wonder how much Hornberger cost Cecil County taxpayers to have that dinner? Both he and Harris need to go, same with a couple idiots on the Republican Central Committee.
I was surprised to read Danielle Hornberger’s response to the Cecil Whig letter of opinion regarding her run for County Executive. She asks for an honorable campaign without lies and trash-talking. We all do. So, I am left to ponder why she would label the letter of opinion as full of “attacks” and “lies.” I saw his letter as somewhat of a parody which did not rise to the attack level. In light of her own campaign assaults against the McCarthy administration, I find her anger extremely ironic and puzzling.
I am not suggesting that her talking points are purposely malicious. It is apparent that she sincerely believes her many erroneous statements. It is troubling that those who support Mrs. Hornberger will accept her assertions as truth. Those who recognize the inaccuracy will label them as a “lies,” appearing purposely planned. But, I believe that they come from lack of necessary background experience on the county level. Thus, she misunderstands how and what keeps our county effectively functioning and her promises are based on unseasoned thinking. Her willingness to step forward may be seen by some as commendable, but those who have been on the inside surely recognize the naivety.
Mrs. Hornberger states that under McCarthy, there has been a yearly increase in taxes. Inquiry would show this as false and would clarify when and why they were raised. Executive McCarthy does not single-handedly prepare the budget, nor does he approve it. It is developed through input from a multitude of sources and in concert with the finance department. The budget is presented to the Council which approves it, or not. Property taxes are set by the Council, not the Executive. Her talking points indicate that she does not understand the role of the enterprise fund. She has promised that if elected, she is willing to resign from Congressman Harris’s office. If she had read the County Charter, she would know this is mandatory. Other promises indicate that she is not aware that the comprehensive plan and zoning laws are the basis on which development proceeds in the county. Most importantly she needs to know that a County Executive, by oath of office, must abide by all established laws. These laws will make many of her promises moot.
Hopefully, Mrs. Hornberger will familiarize herself with the myriad of departments, agencies, and offices which are under the Cecil County umbrella. She should confer with department heads, and definitely needs detail from the finance department. She needs to read the Charter, County Code, and Comprehensive Plan.
My thoughts here are not given as deliberate unkindness, but as an expression of concern. In order to vie for this important County position, one must have more than supposition and innuendo. The outside-looking-in vantage point is myopic. When promising how things will be, it must be with clear vision and a firm grasp on the reality of that position.