Thumbing his nose at citizen activists who have accused him of appointing political “cronies” to county positions, Cecil County Commissioner Michael Dunn (R-3) announced Tuesday that he will name Ted Patterson—a fellow member of the Smipkin political slate—to a seat on the citizens’ budget advisory committee. It was the fourth controversial appointment in about...
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Tags: 3 amigos, Appleton Regional Community Alliance, appoint, appointment, ARCA, Artesian, budget, Carrie Taylor, cecil county, Cecil Times, ceciltimes, citizens, commissioner dunn, Diana Broomell, james mullin, jim mullin, Michael Dunn, Michael Halter, Mike Dunn, Mike Halter, Owen Thorne, Patriots, Robert Hodge, Tari Moore, Tea Party, Ted Patterson, Three Amigos
Posted in Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, E.J. Pipkin, Elections, Michael Halter, Michael Smigiel, politics, real estate, Republican Central Committee, Republicans, Robert Hodge, State's Attorney, Uncategorized | 7 Comments »
Cecil County Commissioner Michael Dunn’s next county paycheck will be a bit smaller, due to a debt garnishee against his salary filed in Cecil County District Court. The Rising Sun-area commissioner (R-3) previously had a judgment filed against him and a garnishment of his state salary and bank account for unpaid debt and fees,...
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Tags: "Cecil County Commissioner", 2010, campaign, cecil county, Cecil county budget, Cecil Times, ceciltimes,, commissioner dunn, debt, election, garnishee, garnishment, low income housing, Maple Heights, Maple heights apartments, Michael Dunn, Michale smigiel, Mike Dunn, Republican, Rising Sun, Smigiel employee, subsidized housing, workforce housing
Posted in Brian Lockhart, Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, Democrats, E.J. Pipkin, Elections, Elkton, Michael Smigiel, politics, Republicans, Rising Sun, Uncategorized | 12 Comments »
The Cecil County Commissioners again postponed a decision on creating a charter government advisory panel Tuesday but the Board President moved quickly to kill an airport authority proposal that had not been voted on by the full board. The perennially polite Commissioner Tari Moore (R-2) became angry at the attempt by Commissioner Board President...
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Tags: advisory panel, airport, blog, Business, cecil county, cecil county airport authority, Cecil County Chamber of Commerce, cecil county times, Cecil Times,, charter, charter government, commissioner, commissioner dunn, commissioners, county commissioner, delegate, Diana Broomell, E.J. Pipkin, election, Elections, james mullin, jim mullin, Joyce Bowlsbey, maryland, Michael Dunn, Michael Smigiel, Nancy Schwerzler, news, Politics, Raintree airport, Republican, Robert Hodge, Smipkin, Smipkins, someone noticed, someonenoticed
Posted in Blogs, Business, campaign finance, cecil county, cecil county government, Cecil Government, Cecil Times, county commissioner, E.J. Pipkin, Elections, Michael Smigiel, Michael Smigiel, politics, Republican Central Committee, Republicans, Robert Hodge | 1 Comment »